epic fight scene

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you were lost and alone without your phone and no way to contact phoebe or taylor. you sank to the ground and cried before you realized what you were doing. 

"what are you doing y/n?" you asked as you wiped your tears. "phoebe would be so disappointed!" 

you stood up on your shaking 6 inch long legs and looked around. you could try to retrace your steps and just wait for phoebe to come back, but you were acting purely on adrenaline when you ran away from the shredded freak and weren't entirely sure what direction you'd even come from. 

you would have to take initiative. 

unfortunately before you could do so a white van rolled by. the absolutely shredded man who had tried to fight you earlier was cackling in the driver's seat while someone banged on the back window. 

omg....... it was phoebe! 

you reached into your pocket to call the police but oh no! your phone is dead!

you would have to take initiative. 

you mustered all the strength in your itty bitty male gaze waifu body and ran after the van. before you knew it you caught up and launched onto the roof. you punched a hole in the roof and jumped in. 


"what the hell y/n how did your scrawny ass arms break through the ceiling" 

"what do you mean scrawny???" 

"nvm let's get out of here." 

"no....... there's something i have to do first....." 

you flew back out the hole like anakin skywalker in the elevator scene at the beginning of revenge of the sith. then you punched a hole in the windshield. the van swerved but the guy managed not to crash. 

"are you ready to fight me now?" he growled like the alpha he is (that's a joke btw). 

"yes. my type of woman is the woman you kidnapped!" 

suddenly the world around you faded into nothing but blue streaks and all the contours and shadows of your face turned into really aggressively dark black lines. 

"wait wtf is going on" 

"oh this is just what happens in a fight scene dw" 

"i'm actually very worried," you said. you did a backflip onto the roof of the van. the man followed you and swung a punch pow but he missed. (L) 

you did a kick and landed it right in the balls (slay + W + ratio). he doubled over in pain and suddenly the revolver girl was back. the van was spiraling out of control but you managed not to fall off. she shot the gun and you watched in slow motion as the bullet flew towards you with very visible smoke and motion lines trailing around it. 

as the bullet approached you thought of an inspirational speech: 

wait.... why am i doing this?..... to spite my mom?..... no...... this is for....

PHOEBE!? yes....... she saved me...... and now it's my turn to save her!!!!!

*cue crescendo* 

then you caught the bullet with your fingers. 

"phoebe lets go!" you shouted. she jumped out and then you both jumped off the ground and somersaulted to break the fall. 

"y/n where tf did you learn how to do that" 

"idk it just kind of happened did i slay that" 

"yeah defo!! let's go find taylor and tell her what happened i think she's still at the arcade." 

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