Chapter 1: 104th cadet corps

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Year 847 wall Rose

The H/c haired boy was in his room doing some sits up as a personal punishment, He was trying to get himself to stay away from drugs it had been two years since the fall of wall maria he was now 12 years old and had decided that along with his friends he will also be joining the 104th cadet corps tomorrow

"Armin,Mikasa,Eren where is Y/n?" Carla asked. As she was done preparing breakfast

"I think he's punishing himself again" Armin replied

"Again?" Carla said. Obviously feeling bad for him

"He should just let it go it's not his fault he's like that" Eren said. Also feeling bad

"I'll go get him" Mikasa said


"101,102,103,10...4 grhhhh!! 1..05,106,1..0....7" the boy counted

*knock* *knock*

"Who's there??" I asked

"It's Mikasa" she responded

"Oh, is everything alright?" I asked

"Yeah *enters* we're just worried about you" she said looking expressionless as always

" oh I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me" I said

  I walked over to my closet and pull out a top to wear  as I signaled the black haired girl to take a seat on my bed I walk over to my dresser and open a tiny bottle filled with coderoine and she looked at me curiously

"What do you enjoy in taking those?" She asked

"Well I don't really know, but I guess I can't stop takin em now even if I wanted to" I replied

Then there was a deafening silence that rang throughout the whole room

"So.... want one?" I asked obviously joking to try and kill the awkward silence

"Sure I guess it won't hurt to try one" she said

*shocked* "NO WAY!!! you are absolutely banned from trying it, after all you don't wanna end up like me" I said followed by a long sigh as I sat on the bed next to her

"yeah... about that could you stop pushing yourself so hard Mrs Jäger is worried" she said

"And you?" I asked

"I'm also worried" she said

"I'm just kidding you don't have to worry after all I'm not Eren" I replied

She blushed at hearing my comment, but I couldn't help but feel a little jealous of the attention Eren was getting from Mikasa

"Urghhh That Eren lucky bastard" I thought to myself

"Anyways breakfast is ready come eat" Mikasa said trying to change the topic

I just nodded and we both went downstairs I saw Mrs Jäger eating with Eren and Armin, Mikasa and I walked over to them and sat down, All of them looked at me worriedly before continuing eating as their gazes shifted to Mrs Jäger, Then Eren stood up finally having enough

" I won't accept this" Eren said

"Huh?" I said confused

"Mikasa you didn't tell him?" Armin said

"I couldn't" she said

"Tell me what?" I said confused

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