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Year 845, The underground

A young boy with H/c hair was at a store vendor
Y/n: Hey mister I would like to buy a piece of bread
Vendor: oh that will be 1 bronze coin
Y/n: oh I don't have that kind of amount right now I'm sorry, but I'm just trying to do what I have to do to survive
The boy said as he pulled out a knife,the vendor was scared to death as this is the underground so his death wouldn't matter anyways, the man quickly pulled out the bread and gave it to the ten year old thug
Y/n:Thank you.
The boy said giving the man a warm smile. The boy immediately sprinted off
Random passerby: what do you expect you fool this is the underground not a playground!!
Random MP:Where did he go?
Vendor: He went left
The MP immediately went in pursuit of the boy
Y/n: I see, there are three guards one to my left one to my right and one at my direct center
  The boy thought to himself
Y/n: Here goes nothing
   Y/n bent down swiftly narrowly dodging a bullet from an MP as he ran full speed towards the MP and jumped up kneeing him in the nose, the other two MP's aimed the riffle at the young fighter but the boy had clearly expected this  as he used the other MP as a human shield for bullets leading to the MP's demise, the boy picked up the dead MP's riffle as two shots rang throughout the alley signaling the remaining two MP's death
  "Tsk weak maggots"  the boy spat at the dead MP's

The boy made his way toward a shady bar, as he stepped in all gazes were shifted to the young boy
   "Oi I got some coderoine " the boy said to the bartender
"Well then let's have a swap"
   The kid walked over to the table and dropped the coderoine as the bartender gave him some more pieces of bread.The boy who was satisfied with the trade walked over to a table and sat himself down as he as he started to eat the bread after so much hard work and starvation
  ~ohhh that's the stuff~~~ The boy said in pure ecstasy

*muffled* "Hey did you hear a shady guy is handing out pass to the surface for drugs

   Guess that's my chance to leave this dump.

The boy thought to himself, he immediately stood up and left the bar as he waited at the despatch point at the underground. He heard a galloping sound
   That must be him

The boy strapped his riffle to his back as he began to sneak his way without being inspected
  "Alright CLEAR!!!" Said the inspector MP

The boy received the ticket . The boy knew this was his drop off point as he went towards the stairs he handed the MP his ticket and was allowed access

The boy said as he sprinted off to wander around the surface

  The surface , 2 weeks later wall Maria

The same H/c hair boy was now sneaking in through the window of a bedroom into a house, he walked in and noticed it was a room of a boy his own age as he noticed the same size of clothes obviously belonging to the owner of the room, the boy quickly grabbed a brown hoodie and black pants and put it on as, he could already hear the argument the family were having downstairs

  "Mrs Jäger, Eren is planning on joining the scouts" said a female voice
"Come on Mikasa why'd you tell her" said the boy who I believe is Eren
  "Eren you are doing no such thing" said mrs Jäger

  Y/n went down the stairs pointing his riffle at Eren in order to intimidate them

"Everyone hands on the table now" said the boy 
   They were all in shock as they quickly sat down and put their hands on the table, out the corner of his eyes Y/n could see the oldest man who he believe is mr Jäger reaching his hands towards his mouth 
  Y/n POV

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