CHAPTER 1: The Monster Boy

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3rd Person POV
We see a pink hair girl running thru a forest with fear in her eyes. She continued to run until she was paralyzed with fear when she heard the roar of the Monster she just saw. 

She tripped over a tree root and fell forward. She flipped over and tried to get up but she saw a pair of blood red eyes with snake pupils. She just watched in horror as the snake like monster continued to get closer to her. It stop in front of her. She was so scared she waited for the monster to attack her but it just stared at her. It stay that way until the girl finally calmed down. She decided to talk to it.

"Can you understand me?" She asked, not expecting it to respond back, but it nodded it's head.

She waited for more but it didn't do anything.

"Can you speak?" She asked, it looked down, as if sadden.

"Are you a animal with a quirk?" She asked, it hissed and violently shook it's head.

"Are you a human?" She asked, it's face lit up and it nodded it's head violently.

"You don't look like it. Wait is this your quirk and you don't know how to return back?" She asked, the monster nodded.

"For how long? Oh right you can't talk. Stomp the ground for the amount of numbers. So at what age did your quirk appeared?" She asked, it stomped the ground 8 times before stopping.

"So you were a late bloomer. How old are you now?" She asked, it stomped the ground 13 times.

"We're the same age too. Are you a girl?" She asked, it shook it's head.

"So your a boy. Wait I have something maybe it'll help me figure out who you are." I opened my bag and pulled out a book that I had filled with articles on missing children and other things.

I looked through them looking for a boy who went missing at 8 years old possible was quirkless I stopped at a article that had picture of a messy green haired child with Emerald green eyes and four freckles on each cheek. While he had a big smile on his face.

'This has to be him.' The girl thought.

"Are you Izuku Midoriya by any chance?" She said looking at the monster it turned it's head away before it nodded.

The girl decided that it was only fair to introduce herself as well.

"Well it's nice to meet you Midoriya-san I'm Amber Fayette." She said, Izuku looked at her and leaned his head toward her.

She hesitantly reached out and placed a hand on his head. When her hand touched his head he suddenly brightly lit up blinding Amber. After a few minutes the light disappeared and in the monsters place was a unconscious boy with messy Red, Green, and Black haired and four freckles on each cheek Amber blushed a little when she noticed that he only had on a pair of tattered pants, but no shirt.

Give her a full view of his muscles. She decided to stay with him. She fell asleep next to him.

~The Next Day~
Izuku's POV
I woke up to find myself human again. I was surprised and happy. That I started crying. I was a human again! But that not all I have a quirk and it's stronger than Katsuki's. But I have to know how my quirk works and it's drawbacks. Then suddenly I hear a sound and a voice. Then multiple things appeared in my field of vision.

Izuku The Monster Hero [MHA x Monster Hunter] Where stories live. Discover now