Chapter 33: Unwanted Goodbyes

Start from the beginning

I grunt from the impact, but quickly shake it off. Steve and I go to the back and hang on the edge of the truck about to open the door. A sudden blast comes from inside making the doors fly open. My grip tightens as my back collides with the truck. I push back and come face to face with Steve. Another blasts comes resulting in the door coming off and dragging on the ground.

"Well, he's definitely unhappy," Steve says making me look at him.

"You think?" I ask him sarcastically.

"Evalina and I are gonna try and keep it that way," Steve says.

"You guys aren't a match for him," Clint says.

"Thanks, Clint," I say as I hold on.

Before I can get in the truck, Ultron walks up and pushes Steve and I off. I fly backwards and land hard on the sidewalk. I hear gasps around me as I slowly get up. Once I'm up, I notice Steve on a car and he grabs onto another truck.

I use all the speed I have to catch up. I jump onto a car and then another quickly catching up to the truck from the lab. Before getting to the truck, I see Ultron floating up and shoot at Steve. Steve begins to fight him and I see his shield get thrown off before he does.

I get on top of the truck and take my sword out of my holder. Ultron looks at me before shaking his head. "You all don't understand," he says before shooting at my arm.

Pain arises, but I stay still as I feel the wound quickly heal. "Interesting," Ultron says before coming at me. I slide under him before turning. I jab my sword behind me and I can tell it entered him.

"I'm always picking up after you boys," Natasha says making me chuckle, but I stop when Ultron kicks me back.

My grip on my sword grows as I slide to the edge of the truck. "They're heading under the overpass. I've got not shot," I hear Clint say.

"Which way?" Nat asks.

"Hard right. Now," Clint tells her.

"Having your powers could enhance me beyond the unimaginable," Ultron says as I stand up.

"Have fun getting them," I tell him.

Ultron chuckles before shooting at me. I jump off the truck and quickly grab onto the ledge. I make my way to the other side as I hear Steve get back on top. I lift myself up when I see Ultron tightly grab Steve.

Tires squeal below us and I look down to see Natasha on her motorcycle. Natasha throws Steve's shield up to him. I quickly hit Ultron and Steve hits him with his shield making Ultron move back. I notice Ultron lift a piece of the road out of the ground and my eyes go wide when I see Nat going towards it, but she quickly stops before the collision.

Ultron gets up and Steve hits him, but Ultron send Steve off the truck. I strike at Ultron and he goes to hit me, but I hold up my sword. Ultron's hand connects with it and my eyes go wide when my sword doesn't break. "Hell yeah," I say as I punch Ultron.

Ultron stumbles back and Steve gets back onto the truck. "Your lack of pain amazes me," Ultron says and I clench my jaw, "You would be a great asset."

"Not happening," Steve says before starting to fight Ultron. I'm about to join when I see the Quinjet. I quickly duck when Clint starts shooting at Ultron. I then see some of Ultron's robots leave the truck going at Clint,.

I continue to help Steve when we glance at each other and nod before grabbing Ultron and throwing him of the truck. My eyes go wide as Ultron flies back grabbing Steve and I which makes us collide with a train.

"They're heading back towards you. So whatever you're gonna do, do it now," Clint tells us.

Steve throws his shield at Ultron. Ultron flies at us and Steve jumps over while I roll under, but Ultron shoots at us right when we get up.

"I'm going in. Cap, Eva, can you keep him occupied?" I heard Natasha say and my eyes go wide at her words.

"What do you think we've been doing?" Steve responds.

"No," I say quietly as I get up. "Natasha," I say in her and my own earpiece, "Not on your own."

I grunt as I continue to fight Ultron. "It's okay, Evalina," Natasha says, "I got it."

"Damn it, Natasha," I say as I grip my sword before going to take out my anger on Ultron.

"Okay, package is airborne. I have a clean shot," Clint tells us.

"Negative. I am still in the truck," Natasha says and it's like her words echo in my head.

Clint and Natasha continue talking and I know I need to trust her. I tackle Ultron to the grown and punch him before he blasts me back and I feel the burning in my stomach. Ultron walks over to me, but a blur comes into my vision and I see Pietro. I then glance back and see Wanda.

"Please, don't do this," Ultron says to the twins.

"What choice do we have," Wanda says and I slowly stand up and my stomach fully heals.

Ultron goes to shoot at Pietro, but he quickly ducks. I watch as Ultron flies out of the train and I quickly grab onto him. "Get off," Ultron says as I tighten my grip.

"I got him," I say into the earpiece.

Ultron shoots at me, but I move out of the way. "Fine, have it your way," he says before moving quicker.

I watch as Natasha leaves the truck while holding onto the Cradle. "Their weakness," I hear Ultron say while looking at Natasha.

Ultron moves towards Natasha and I realize what he is doing. "No!" I shout as I climb up his body. I feel Ultron grab onto me before throwing me down.

I watch in horror as Ultron grabs Natasha. "Nat! Eva!" I hear Clint say in the earpiece.

"Lyon, get Eva!" I hear Clint shout.

My eyes begin to close from the speed I am heading towards the water. I then notice Lyon jump out of the Quinjet and shoots down towards me. Before I hit the water, I feel arms bring me into their embrace to protect me from the hit. Then we hit the sea.

Angel Of My Imagination - Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now