Episode 19: We are Ascension

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"Today all of you are gathered here on your own accord. Because you have questions, you have concerns and I agree with these concerns of yours and your confusion..."

I sat down on my seat at the wide table. It felt as if I didn't belong in it...

"And I'm ready for all the questions you have for me. I'm not going anywhere until we're done here."

Rose stood next to me with her hands behind her back but I knew they were actually concealing her weapons incase anyone tried to act out of line.

"How long have you been in contact with this serum?" Claw asked as he swayed back and forth on his chair with his heels on the table.

"I'd say a month or so after the outbreak...Rose and I encountered the leader of Nexus and tried robbing her but we didn't know what she had in-store..."

"Wait so you met their leader years ago?!" I.Q gasped as he slammed his hand on the table.

"Uh huh... it's not like we knew who she was back then."

"And what did this serum do to you exactly?" Azazel asked.

"At first, it nearly killed me once it actually mixed with my bloodstream...but with time it enhanced my human abilities and also made me immune to the virus..."

"Now, years after the incident the leader of Nexus, Libitina, has found out about this and raged war against us more seriously than it already was." Rose continued as she tried to keep herself calm.

Pin drop silence filled the room as Alpha team and the girls fell into a deeper state of thought.

Although Monika discovered the truth first, hearing the details of it was still hard to process.

"Well then why not just give her what she wants?!" Hara got up from her seat.

"It's blood! She can have a sample and we can keep the survivors safe fr-"

"We can't!" Rose yelled.

I looked back at her and tried to speak up to stop her but her anger overcame her didn't allow it.

"The serum isn't just inside him. It IS him! She wouldn't just want a sample to make one for her own. Him still begin immune would make him a threat and to get the cure back she needs ALL OF HIS BLOOD!" She practically screamed the last of her words but she still wasn't finished.

"And do you really think that someone as vile as that woman would do any good by getting her hands on something like this? Monika!"

She yelled again as Monika pulled out the briefcase we had grabbed from the lab and unloaded it's contents onto the table.

Blueprints, test results and notes were scattered all over the table as I picked up one and looked at it in silence while Rose continued.

"She needs the serum so she can use it to protect herself and make her OWN built soldiers immune to it so that nothing can stop them. She's building an army out of her own mistakes and we're responsible to stop this!"

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