Episode 0: Outbreak

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When you'd look at us for the first time you may consider us an odd group, at the literature club you'd different personalities crammed together in a room and think, 'they couldn't last a day together without bumping heads' and in some cases...that is true.

Sayori, The Bundle of Sunshine

The vice president of the club who is the embodiment of peace and joy, her glowing sense of optimism and positivity was something we all cherished even if most of us didn't want to admit it. She'd always do her best to keep the club happy and full of life with her shared enthusiasm, she's considered a clumsy one as well and people even thought it was nearly impossible for her to be sad.

Yuri, The Maiden of Mystery

A mature and beautiful looking girl who took everything in her being just to ask to be a part for the literature club. She's given this name by other students because of her introverted behavior and overall shyness, she had a hard time keeping up with other members of the club but it was her strong passion for literature itself that made up for her company. She found safety in the books she reads to the point she would at times be lost in them.

Natsuki, Cute on The Outside

Although implied by the name she's someone who takes heart to any comment passed at her about her looks. This girl has built up a defense mechanism for herself to shield her insecurities and avoid judgement of what she likes and to do that she uses her assertiveness and aggression but deep down..if you just manage to survive her sharp attitude you'll find her to have a beautiful caring heart inside. She stumbled upon the club not fully intended to join for its purpose but to find some place to fit in or feel wanted.

And then there's me...

Monika, The President of The Club

I started this club to try something for myself and out of my own passion and confidence in the wonderful side of literature but in the end... I was a failure, my members would constantly clash against each other mainly Yuri and Natsuki, we failed to get new members and once I was at the point of giving up hope....

Sayori brought in a new member...a boy who somehow mended us... Micheal Carter, we started calling him MC for the fun of it but stuck around with just Mike....Even without him knowing the impact he had on us when he first joined, he was possibly a new light to our world.

What initially was just a small club where we would come for meetings had become a safe house for us...we were best friends in the end...

But that's not what you came to hear...

Life was perfect until the day of the festival... That one stupid day that ruined our lives in a way we could have never prepared for. . .

So this is our story

It was the day before the festival, in the comfort of my home I was busy printing out the remainder of the pamphlets, on Friday Micheal had come over to help me with another half of the decorations to be done aside from the ones Yuri was doing and helped with the pamphlets, he then helped Yuri on Saturday and Natsuki on Sunday...today.

And it was this night he called me to talk about certain things..


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