Chapter 2

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The next day Aki woke up and got ready. He then went to make breakfast. He had some time to make them lunch. He is excited for today. He put the lunches in his pouch on his hip. He had a scroll and he could keep it warm in it.

Naruto soon came down and they eat. Aki hoped that things went okay. He didn't want anything to happen today. His brother won't do anything today and he is happy about that. Today they are talking the Genin Test.

Aki and Naruto finished breakfast. Aki quickly did the dishes and then they put on their Sandles and left for the academy. Naruto kept going on about how he is going to make Genin. Aki hoped so, because his brother has world hard to get here.

They arrived at the academy and they headed in. Aki walked into the class room first and he sat down next to Shikamaru and Choji. Naruto sat next to Sasuke a bit annoyed he had to sit with the argent guy.

Aki and Choji talked quitely as to not wake up Shikamaru. Choji even let Aki have a few of his chips. Aki helped Choji feel better about himself and he is so nice to his friends.

Suddenly with a bang Sakura and Ino ran in. Ino smiled when she saw Aki and she sat next to Hinata, who is sitting across from him. She really helped they both pass the Genin exams and placed on the same Team.


Iruka and Mizuki came in and they got started with the exams. First was the written portion. Aki got done fast and he felt bad for Naruto. He didn't do good with this.

Ino soon finished and is excited that she got done at the same time as Aki. She blushed and didn't know how to go about getting him to notice her. She hoped she could do it around The Taijutsu portion.

Soon Shikamaru, Sakura, Sasuke, and Shino got done. They did the same as Aki and turned over their papers. Hinata soon got done and she nervously looked at Naruto. She hoped he passes the exams.

A few more hours and Iruka told them to stop and put their pencils down. They gathered the papers and Naruto is a bit nervous because he only had two more questions to answer. He looked behind him at Aki with his nervs showing. Aki gave him a small smile to help him feel better.

They moved outside to do the Taijutsu portion. Naruto and Aki had both had had a Taijutsu match with Sasuke. Naruto would lose while Aki would win. Aki had found a Taijutsu style that said it was the Uzuamki Taijutsu style. He easily learned it and he tried to teach Naruto, but he took longer. Naruto also couldn't do some of the moves. He thought they were too complained.

"First up Naruto and Kiba." Said Iruka.

Naruto and Kiba went up and Naruto almost won, but Kiba and his puppy beat him. Iruka smiled and wrote something down as he watched the match. He saw somethings that the two could work on. Next was Ino and Hinata.

The two were eventually matched, but Ino won because she managed to get out of Hinata's sight. Iruka smiled again and felt proud that Ino had changed and faght Hinata and won. Aki looked impressed. He nodded at Ino, who is happy to have the acknowledged by Aki.

He nodded and the two sat back down. After a few more people went, it is Aki's turn. "Aki and Sasuke." Called Mizuki.

"This will be easy." Said Sasuke. He thought he gotten more stronger then Aki and could beat him now. Aki rolled his eyes and got ready along with Sasuke.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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