Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Let me know how you like this story. This is my first time making a Naruto twin brother story. I don't see many of these and I don't see many good ones. So I'm one of my owe.


It's been a couple of years since the Nine Tailed Fox attack. It killed a lot of people and hurt even more. Everyone still has a grudge against the fox. They take their anger out on Naruto. He's the new Jinchuriki of the fox. He doesn't know and his older twin brother Aki.

They didn't see any reason to hate Aki, they left him alone, but some did try to attack him to hurt Naruto. Aki just beat them up enough to make them think twice on doing it again. Naruto had Aki to cry to, to come running too if he needed someone.

Aki hated to see Naruto getting all of this hate. He knew about the fox being sealed inside of his brother, he knew that's why people hated his brother. Naruto didn't deserve this. Aki saw that a lot of the Ninja treated Naruto far, and that they didn't fear him. He made sure to have Naruto go to the ninja run stores. He got food at Ninja runned stores. Aki taught himself to cook for both him and Naruto. He didn't want themselves to live off of Naruto's favorite food.


Aki is now sitting in the Ninja academy waiting for Iruka-Sensei to get back with Naruto. He sighed and looked out the window. He knew Naruto did a lot of pranks to get everyone to notice him. Aki wanted that for his brother, but he didn't want him to do it like this.

"Your brother is a pain." Said Sakura glaring at Aki.

"How would you like to try being Naruto for a day? See what he goes through every day!" Snapped Aki. Everyone looked shocked at him. Aki isn't the type to get angry, and snap at someone.

"He's right Sakura. You have no idea what Naruto goes through everyday. Aki takes care of Naruto the best he can, but he's not all ways around to keep him out of trouble." Said Shikamaru.

"Yeah, you don't know the pain Naruto feels. He gets hate for things out of his control. Naruto is a great boy. I'm not going to sit here and let you bad talk him." Said Choji.

Everyone is stunned that all three of them are angry and shouted at them. Aki looked away from Sakura and said angrily, ''I didn't see what my brother sees in you."

Shikamaru and Choji nodded agrreeing with Aki. Sakura flinched at how cold Aki sounded. She didn't say anything after that. What Aki said really hurt her.

Ino had started to become a fan for Aki. She fell for him harder then she ever felt for Sasuke. She dreamily looked at Aki and just imagine what it would be like to go on a date with him.

"He's so cute." Ino said. Shikamaru and Choji looked at each other and sighed. They knew that Aki would only go for a girl that took her training seriously and wasn't loud like Sakura.

"If you want a chance with him then I'd train hard and eat better." Said Choji.

"Yeah. Aki will only talk to you if you take your training serious." Said Shikamaru laying his head on the desk and falling asleep.

Ino took in what Shikamaru and Choji said. She looked deep in thought and thought about what she wanted to do. She nodded to herself and grew determined.


It wasn't long before Iruka came in with a tied up Naruto. Aki sighed and looked so annoyed. His brother is a great person and fun to be around when you give him a chance, but he is annoying when he comes up with prank ideas for this kinda thing.

Naruto could use his pranks on enemies. "Here we go.'' Said Aki with a sigh. Choji chuckled and nodded. Shikamaru is still sleeping, but he could still hear what was being said.

''Naruto today is the day we practice for the Genin exams! Don't you want to pass?'' Asked Iruka.

Naruto just looked away. Iruka grew annoyed and then said looking at everyone, ''Fine, since you missed it, we will go over the transformation Jutsu again."

Everyone groaned and looked angrily at Naruto. Aki sighed and shook his head again. He then went to sand behind Shikamaru. He glared at Naruto and said, ''You will do the normal transformation Jutsu, Naruto! For dinner tonight we will be having some salads with some chicken.'' Aki looked away from Naruto who tried to give his brother the puppy eye Jutsu.

''It's not going to work now my friend.'' Said Shikamaru with a sigh. Naruto pouted and nodded. He continued to pout as they waited.

"Sakura Horuno.'' Said Iruka.

''Alright. Sakura let's go." Said Sakura.

She then made the hand sign and then she changed into Iruka.
''Nice Sakura.'' Said Iruka marking down somethings that he noticed about her Transformation. Sakura then changed back and said looking at Sasuke, who wasn't looking at her. ''Did you see that Sasuke-Kun?''

Sasuke didn't even bother looking at her and just continued to look away. Not even interested in her and what she did. Sakura sadly walked to the back of the line.

''Sasuke Uchiha.'' Iruka called next.

Sasuke went up and not even needing the hand sigh did the transformation Jutsu. He turned into Iruka. Iruka nodded and wrote down on his clip board. Sasuke changed back and Iruka said, ''Great job Sasuke.''

Sasuke then joined Sakura at the end of the line. He didn't do or say anything, not in the mood to talk.

After a few more people being called, it was Aki's turn. He, like Sasuke didn't need to use the sign. He had lot's of practice and didn't need the sign to help mold his Chakra to preform it. He changed into the Third Hokage. He looked just like him. Aki only needed to work on adding a few rincles on the face. Iruka smiled and wrote down his thoughts on Aki's name on his check board.

''You did great Aki.'' Said Iruka with a smile. Aki smiled back and then moved to stand next to Shikamaru. The lazy boy had also done well with his test. Naruto did what his brother asked and just did the normal transaction Jutsu. He had a few things to get right, but his transformation is great.

Aki sighed in relief that his brother listened to him. They all sat back down and they were told about their exams being tomorrow and to practice.

Aki and Naruto went home to eat. Aki made the dinner he promised he would. They ate and Aki is still a bit upset with him. They talked and Aki told him that he would help him with the Clone Jutsu. Aki had better control over his Chakra then his brother.

They soon went to bad after a few hours of reading. Aki made Naruto read a few scrolls that he would need to know. They had their own bedrooms and Aki is glad because his brother is a snorer.


I hope you all liked it and I'll try to update again soon. Thank you for reading

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