Chapter Thrity-Seven

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Once I'm out of the place I labeled as "hell", I walk into my car. The first thing I do is call my parents and tell them I had another attack.

Isaiah: Hello?

Tyler: I had another anxiety attack.

Cam: Oh my gosh! My baby are you okay?!

Tyler: Yea I'm fine. I had my friends with me.

Isaiah: Okay that's good to know. Have you've told Ashley yet?

Cam: Yea she should know. Do you want to talk about it? Like do you have an idea on what caused it?

Tyler: Yea I think so. It'd be better to talk about in person though.

Isaiah: Okay. Feel free to talk to us whenever.

Tyler: Yea I will. The school gave me a day off by the way.

Cam: That was sweet of them! Where are you going to go?

Tyler: I don't know...Probably just going to go home and watch Stranger Things! I plan on stopping to get food though!

Isaiah: Okay, but don't you think it'll be safer to like...doordash? Cause I know you don't like interacting after an attack that much.

Cam: Yea that's true. We can order it for you too.

Tyler: No it's fine. It's just an easy drive in the drive-through line.

Isaiah: Okay...I mean if your okay with it. Then go for it.

Tyler: Okay. Bye love you guys.

Cam: Love you.

Isaiah: Love you too.

I end the call after that, and I go and text Ashley that I had an attack. I know she won't respond right away since she is probably in the middle of another session right now.

I drive myself to Cane's just cause it's closer to the school.

I pull up into the drive-thru, and thank goodness the line was short.

I order my usual meal, and I pull up to pay for my order.

Worker 1: Okay so your order is $15.36. Would you like to play in cash or ca-.....Oh my goodness! Your the boy 4*Town was with!

Tyler: Oh-uh-

Worker 1: Guys! This kid knows Aaron Z!!!

Worker 2: Stop cause are you for real?!

Worker 3: Wait...That is him!!

I want to go home. I strongly don't want to deal with this right now.

I came here to get my mind of the Aaron Z thing. But it just came up...again.

I want to leave so badly, and that's what I do.

I grab onto the wheel and drive off. Not even thinking about where I want to end up.

The only place I want to be at right now, is away from people.

I want to be alone. I crave being alone.

I find myself in one of those empty parking lots and I grab my phone to make a call.

Calling ❤️🏀Z❤️🏀....


"Do you know about that that's been out."

Z: Yea. Okay um, don't worry. I have it all under control. I know exactly what I'm going to do to fix it.

Tyler: In all honesty, that doesn't sound convincing. Like at all.

Z: Yea I know. It's fucking exhausting.

Tyler: Tell me about it. Like I feel so, I don't know, exposed.  You know with people you didn't even know existed just randomly know who you are.

Z: It's just how being a celebrity is.  People wanting to know your every move.  People not knowing personal boundaries. Just straight up people forgetting basic human stuff.

Tyler: Human stuff? Okay I'll remember that word.  What encounters have you've met being a celebrity?

Z: Well, back when our career first went up. I didn't really understand how exposed it is. The band and I were at a meet and greet. We were um- signing album covers and stuff.
Robaire,Tae,and Jesse had the longest lines. Probably cause they also had the longest lines or parts in our album. Eventually this....girl came up to mine line.  She was very nice at first, but then she grabbed me by my face and kissed me right on the lips.

Tyler: No way.

Z: Yep. She was 19 years old too! But she went to jail. So it's fine.

Tyler: Dude you got SA'd, it's not fine!

Z: Speaking of SA, what'd Jayden do to you?

Fuck my life.

A/N: The reason this update took so long was because school was ending and has ended and I've been busy with all that. I'm also sick right now 😭😭😭.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt