Chapter Twenty-Three

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Robaire's POV:

I pulled out my phone and started texting someone.

Me:  Remember the bet we made? Yea idc if you remember or not cause you made the bet. So now remember what i told you to do. And start the operation.

BBalling Bruddah: Robaire stfu this isn't fucking spy kids

Me: Stop being such a hater bro. Anyways remember the deal???

BBalling Bruddah: Yea I remember let's just get this over with 🥱🥱

I put my phone down and go to the kitchen and get water but I accidentally dropped the glass.

Robaire: Oh shit! T and Z can you guys help me real quick.

T: No I'm watching the movie!

Z: T, bro it isn't gonna take that long. Lets just go.

T: Hmmmm no!

Robaire: T remember the incident when you forgot it was April fools day.

T: Uhhhh no?

Robaire: It would be a shame, if y'know some pictures got leaked.

T: Dammit! Fine I'm coming!

T,Z, and I both work to clean up the glass, but we have T do the remaining of it! Both Z and I go back to the couches, and I go to sit next to Tyler.

Tyler: Oh, Z is sitting there.

Z: Nah it's fine. He can sit there. My eyes are starting to hurt, so I'm just going to watch from a distance.

Tyler's POV:

If i said I wasn't said that Z had to move back, I'd be lying.  But Robaire sat next to me! I feel like moving away, because I don't know if Mei still likes him. I don't want to get in the way of Mei and Robaire's lil love story. I do feel bad for Miriam though. Miriam has had a crush on Mei since like FOREVER! Like everyone knows. It's so obvious. I'm so deep in thought that I don't hear or well feel Robaire doing that cheap, unoriginal "flirting trick".

Robaire's POV:

So I don't mean to flex but,

I'm the King Of Flirting.

I decide to go with the simple "fake yawn and get your hand on their shoulder" trick. It works ALL the time.

I do the trick with Tyler and he does something I would never expect someone to ever do. To me!

This curly haired boy shrugged my shoulder off. Like SHRUGGED IT OFF!

Like What The Fuck!?

You had an opportunity people would kill to have, and you shrugged it off?!

But another rule of flirting is knowing when to give up. Except giving up that phrase isn't in my vocabulary.

Robaire: *mumbling* Okay. Playing hard to get. I can work with that.

Tyler: Dude shut the fuck up. Mirabel just found Bruno and I wanna see this.

Robaire: Okay damn.

Tyler's POV:

Robaire is being so annoying right now.

He keeps on trying to silently flirt, and it's getting on my nerves!

At this point I just stand up and go to sit next to Z. Ain't no way I was about to last the rest of the movie sitting next to "Mr.FlirtMaster". I'd rather have Priya talk to me about The Promised Neverland.

Z: Hey.

Tyler: Yea I got what you meant when you said your eyes eventually start to hurt while sitting so up close.

Z: *laughs* Yea. My Blue Light glasses are up in my room so I don't want to go up and get them again.

I think I've said it before, and I'll happily say it again. This mother fucker's laugh is so enchanting! For my next birthday someone go to Build-A-Bear and get me a bear with a voice memo just of his laugh.

Z: Tyler? Your staring now.

The fuck? How do I respond to this? Oh shit. How do you come up with an excuse for staring when the actual reason was because you were daydreaming about his laugh!

"Oh!" I say laughing it off, "I was just thinking about how you look with glasses!"

Damn it! Why couldn't you had thought of something better!?

Z: Oh! If you want tomorrow in the morning, I can show you how I look.

Tyler: Actually?

Z: Yea it's not like-

"Guys! Stop flirting and having a mini-date! Watch the Damn movie!"

Tyler: *whispering* Tae gets very mad when he can't watch his movie.

Z: Tell me about it. Especially during Disney movies. He always is talking about-

Z isn't able to finish his sentence cause a Skittles box is thrown at his face.

If Z didn't have fast reflexes, then it would've hit him!

Awhhh. I actually kind of wanted to see that.

Tae: I will personally drown you with skittles if you don't shut the FUCK up!

Z and I just nod our hands frantically.

We are almost down with a movie when,


Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now