Chapter Twenty-Four

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Tyler's POV:

My head basically snapped backwards, and I see Jesse on the phone with someone. He keeps on going with his conversation on the phone, but his voice cracks while doing it.

Jesse: 5 years down the drain like that. Five fucking years.

Tae: Jesse are you okay?

All Jesse does is cover the speaker while shaking his head.

He walks actually more like stomps up the stairs and all you hear is the sound of a door slamming against its frame.

T: Damn. I wonder what happened with him.

Abby: It sounded bad.

Tyler: Yea no shit sherlock.

Mei: So uh......How about a game of charades?

Tyler: Yea I'm down.

Miriam: Yea same.

Z: I'll play

Mei: Actually? I was just jok- okay.

Tyler: What are the teams?

T: 4*Town vs you guys.

Tyler: Bruh, that's 4 vs 5.

Priya: I can be the ref.

T: Okay then it's even. 4 on 4.

Priya: Okay wait, let me set the stuff up.

Priya's POV:

I grab sheets of paper and cut them up into small pieces.

I have one big bowl that has what the categories will be. I decided to get a bowl for each of the catergories too.

Category 1: Mammals

Category 2: Holidays

Category 3: Stores

Category 4: Singers

This is going to be entertaining.

Aaron Z's POV:

We are all just waiting patiently for Priya to finish making the pieces for charades.
Oh- and by we I mean discluding T, and Tyler.

Tyler: Bruh I'm so bored! Priya hurry up please!

T: Guys can I go live on our Insta page.

Tae: I don't really care.

Z: Sure.

T goes onto Insta and then we hear,

T: Hi! So I'm having a lil get  together with my friends.

He then puts the phone down, and asked the girls and Tyler,

"You guys all good with showing your faces on camera?"

They all agree, and T continues whatever the fuck he was saying.

T: We are all just waiting for Priya to come back with the cards and categories and stuff.

The comments:

4*TownLover2345: Where is Robaire?!

T: Robaire is currently taking a shit.

Then just on cue, Robaire walks out of the bathroom.

Robaire: T what are you doing.

Tyler: He's on live.

Robaire: Oh, where.

T: What do you mean where?

Robaire: Where.Are.You.Live?

T: *points at the phone* Right here?

Robaire: T I got that. What app?

T: Oh! Insta. I don't go live on any other app. The fuck.

Priya: I have the list.

The comments:

LoveGirl765: What are you guys playing

User234: Where is Jesse👿👿

T: Jesse is currently upstairs, and we are playing charades.

Priya: Who is drawing first?!

Tyler: Me! Me!

Priya: Okay so first draw from the bowl to figure out what category your doing, then you draw from the category box. You will keep on drawing cards from that category box untill you 30 seconds run out. Oh! And no talking or sound effects.

Tyler: Okay this is gonna be easy.

Tyler's POV:

I pull out of the first bowl, and I see Stores on my sheet. I go and tell them, my category and I pull a smaller price of paper from a bowl, and I don't look at it until I hear Priya's voice go

"And start."

I opened up my paper and read "Forever 21"

I put up a four with my fingers and

Abby: Forever 21. Easy.

Tyler: Yes.

I pull out another one and it's Target.

I just point at my red socks,

Abby: Wendy's

Mei: That's a restaurant not a store.

Miriam: Target?

Tyler: Yes! Nice job.

I get another one and it reads, Apple.

I get my hand and pretend to form an apple with it, I just start biting into freaking air.

Miriam: Bro what the fuck.

Abby: Now what the fuck is that.

Mei: Uhhh. Apple?

T starts full one wheezing at my goofy ass act,

T: Bro, Tyler!!

Tyler: T shut up.

I say that with a fake sarcastic smile on my face.

I get another card and it said, Doller Tree.

I pull my phone out and point at the money in my case. 

Mei: Doller...General!

Abby: Family Doller!

Miriam: Doller-

Priya: Times up! You guys got three of them. So you have three points!

Tyler: Bro, how did you guys guess everything but Doller Tree?

Abby: Damn I don't know! 

Priya: Boys! It's your turn.

A/N: So I was thinking of the next chapter to be in the perspective of someone watching the live.
And I don't live in Canada so sorry if some of these things don't match Canada.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora