Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Tyler's POV:

All of the 4*Town boys ran upstairs, so maybe they had some sort of emergency with Jesse or something.
Speaking of Jesse I wonder what's wrong with him.

Priya: What's up with them.

Mei: I don't know. Maybe they had a schedule, and missed something on the schedule! So now they have to cram it in.

Abby: No offense Mei but, your the only person that takes scheduling so seriously.

Miriam: I'm so bored!

Abby: Wanna prank call people.

"How about we do that getting drunk?"
Says the voice coming from up the stairs.
Eventually we realize it belonged to T.

Mei: Nope.No. No fucking way. My mom would freak if I did that!

Robaire: It's not like your mom has to know. Come on Mei. It isn't a big deal. Just do a few shots.

I turn to look at Robaire,

Tyler: Stop pressuring her. If she doesn't want to do it, then she doesn't have to do it. Damn.

Robaire: Damn,sorry my bad. I didn't know, she was a mommy's girl.

Z: Dude.

Tyler: Bruh-

Mei: No it's fine!....I'll do it.

Miriam: If you don't want to do it Mei you don't have too.

Mei: Miriam. I said it's fine.You don't have to baby me. It's not a big deal.

Soon the room is filled with an unidentified tension.

Maybe something happened when they went upstairs. I brush of the thought and listen to what Abby has to say.

Abby: Shouldn't someone stay sober so no one does anything stupid.

Robaire: No. It isn't gonna be fun if not everyone participates.

T: I have the Hennessy, Bud Light, and White claw with some glasses.

Miriam: Have any of you guys even gotten drunk before?

T: Yea! All the time.

All I do is raise my eyebrows at T,

T: Well, we've never gotten like hardcore drunk. Like a lil tipsy, but-

"BUT there is a first time for everything. Let's make tonight the first night we get fully drunk."

Robaire stand up while interrupting T.

I scrunch my face up in disgust,  not even because of Robaire. Because of this dog piss called alcohol.

Tyler: Ew! This is so gross.

Priya: Bruh. Why did you start without us.

Tyler: Yea i shouldn't have done that. This taste like shit.

Robaire: Do you even know how shut taste like?

Mei: All he has to do is taste you, and then he'll know.

Miriam stands next to Mei, and she seems just as confused as anyone else.

Miriam: Who are you? I love it!

Mei shrugs it off, but the smirk on her face doesn't go unnoticed.

Robaire just looks at the Bud Light in shame or embarrassment I don't really know. He goes in a grabs one and basically downs it in one go!

Tae: Robaire maybe you should take it slow?

Robaire: Nah. I'm gonna be the first person to get drunk tonight!

Jesse: Yea, and probably the only one. Along with me.

Soon everyone has had a few drinks, and even though this was for Jesse. Robaire is the drunkest out of us all.

T: Maybe someone should take Robaire upstairs?

Robaire: No way! *hiccup* I wanna have fun! This is one of the few times *hiccup* I've actually had fun!

Mei: Oh really?

Robaire:Yea! When I was younger my parents only saw me as *hiccup* average. So the fact that I'm actually considered the best at something really makes me happy!

Z: So is that why you tell our secrets all the time? So you can be seen as the best?

Robaire: Duh. Why else would I do it!? Oh! And I also have to be the best for someone I like.

Abby: Ooo. Who's that.

Robaire: Well....where to start? Oh! They have the cutest braces ever! Let's not forgot their curly brown hair. It looks so soft.I just wanna fall asleep on it. Then he has like the best fashion sense ever. AND he is such a good brother to his little sister. He's a whole packaged deal.

Once those words left his mouth, all I do is stand in place.

T: What's their name Robby?

Robaire: Ty...

The name doesn't even get exposed, but we all know who it is.

Robaire likes me.

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Where stories live. Discover now