Chapter Thirty-Six

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Tyler's POV:

Is this how celebrities feel like? Getting asked questions everyday? If so then I never want to be a celebrity.

"How do you know Aaron Z?"

"Do you know everyone in 4*Town?"

"How did you even know them?"

At this point I'm so confused on what the hell to say. Once I have an answer to one question before I can answer another question comes up.

I feel so exposed right now. Everyone in my personal space, feeling peoples dragon breaths on me. It's so overwhelming.

Right now I can't tell you how overwhelmed I feel. Like I don't even know if I'm breathing my own air or breathing others people air.

I don't even think it's possible for me to breathe my own air. Everyone is in my personal space.

Mei: Guys give him space.

Miriam: Yea let him breathe!

My head is clouded again, my eyesight is blurry, and all I can do is try to breath.
But no air is coming in or out of my lungs.

It's like my lungs are about to collapse.

It felt like my lungs are dehydrated and that every time air somewhat gets inside it's just drys it up more. I feel hands around me but I don't realize who they belong too. I feel my head go into someone's chest. And I can feel their heartbeat.

I don't know why but heartbeats help me when I'm anxious. Maybe it's just the rhythmic beat it has. I don't really understand it but it's fine.

I use the persons heartbeat as a model on what my breathing should look like.

I copy their breathing and the heart beats. And eventually my head clears up, and my vision clears.

I see the person holding me and I have to take a double take real quick. I basically choke on my spit and fucking pass out by this!

I see the person in front of me is fucking Jacob.

Yea the same Jacob that always has something to say about me.

I wasn't thinking and the first thing that came out of my mouth was,

"Is someone playing with my dick or is that fucking Jacob?"

Jacob: Didn't you like almost die or some shit? Why is that the first thing that you say?

Tyler: I mean most of the time a random ass motherfucker doesn't usually just comes and comfort me during an anxiety attack.

Jacob: Okay this was a one time thing. The only reason I helped you was because my little sister has them.

Tyler: Uh, sorry for her I guess.

Priya: I never thought I'd live the day to see you guys get along.

Tyler: We had one bonding moment pipe down.

Then our principal comes to us, and he tells me.

"Tyler. If you want to take today off,and just come back tomorrow. We will gladly allow you too."

Damn, let's see. A free day from school, or go to school.

A free day of school or go to school.

Wow this is hurts my brain.

Tyler: Oh, I'll take the day off. Thank you sir.

Just had to add the "sir" to be on their good side!

Bye Hell! Welcome Happy Place!

Tyler x Aaron Z fanfic: I'm falling in love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora