Chapter 8

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Taehyung did not even bother drying off his hair, right after he had rubbed off the shower gel off his body and put on fresh clothes, he rushed towards the living room to call back the number

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Taehyung did not even bother drying off his hair, right after he had rubbed off the shower gel off his body and put on fresh clothes, he rushed towards the living room to call back the number.

Jungkook just watched all of this in utter amusement,
Taehyung with his hair still wet, water dripping down from his brown locks, his eyebrows furrowed and he was having a concerned expression.
Jungkook had to admit the ever so calm and stoic Taehyung showed too many expressions for Jungkook to completely register the fact that the man Standing in front of him was actually Taehyung and no one else.

After the person picked up his call, he turned around to check if Jungkook was still there. And yes he was looking at Taehyung wondering who it was talking to. Taehyung walked towards the balcony making sure Jungkook wasn't following him.

"I am sorry felix,I was taking a showe-"

"It's fine Taehyung"
Felix assured.
"But, can you please come to the hospital right now. Th-e guy has regained consciousness "

Taehyung nodded,
"Sure. I will be there in a few hours"

"Uhm Taehyung "
Felix said sounding a bit hesitant.

"Yes . What is it?"

"Can you bring Jungkook along with you, I mean if that's alright with him. Afterall he is one who might now who he is after he sees him."
Felix said.

Taehyung kept silent for a while then he sighed,
"I think I can do that. You are right maybe Jungkook will remember something from that day if he sees him."

"Okay then see you at the hospital "
Felix said, Taehyung could imagine a smile on his face.
With that he cut the phone call.

He stared at the view out of the balcony,
It was not a particularly pleasant day.
He felt a presence behind him and he turned around to find a very embarassed Jungkook whose hand was hanging in the air very close to touch Taehyung's hair.

Taehyung looked confused,
"I- I- wanted to apologise to you."
Jungkook said awkwardly retracting his hand and placing it on his nape.

"Apologise for what?"
Taehyung asked.

"U- know for not listening to you about letting you drop me. If I did I wouldn't have caused you so much trouble. I am sorry for bothering you all the time."
Jungkook said and Taehyung's eyes softened a bit.

He reached out his hand towards Jungkook's hair and ruffled the fluffy hair.
"You are never a bother to me"

He said and walked away.
If he had stayed a little longer, he would have witnessed Jungkook's eyes widening and filling with tears which he quickly wiped away.
It had been days since they had properly talked to each other.
He felt overwhelmed.

After he went to the living room to join Taehyung. He was told about the guy who was stabbed that day and that he was supposed to visit him in order to give any of information that could be useful.

They got ready and drived their way to the hospital.
When they reached the hospital, Taehyung took Jungkook to felix's office.

"Hey Taehyung. Hey Jungkook. I was waiting for you."
Felix said with a smile.

Jungkook was surprised to know that this guy knew his name.

"Oh! Stupid of me to not introduce myself, I am felix. Taehyung brought you to me for treatment."
He said,

Jungkook nodded.

Taehyung and Felix were talking about something while Jungkook sat on a chair in felix's office.
When they were done, Taehyung walked towards Jungkook,

"Let's go and meet that guy"
Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded.

Felix walked before them and they followed him to the guy's hospital room.
The guy seemed to a lot better than the previous day,
He was drinking from a mill carton.

Felix was the first to enter the room.
"Lee know, a guy from yesterday is here to see you"
He declared and the guy seemed unbothered still sipping onto his chocolate milk.

"You can come inside"

The moment Taehyung and Jungkook walked in the guy looked at them and the milk carton fell from his hand. He panicked, his eyes unfocused and hands shaking he pulled the blanket over his head.

"I- i am s-orry, I w-on't. "
He murmured.

"G-o away pl-ease"
He kept repeating.

Felix was shocked to see the guy panic. He signed Taehyung to take Jungkook out of the room.
They both were confused by the guy's behaviour.
What made him panic?

After some time he came out of Lee Know's room.
"I think he is still not too well to talk to visitors. I think you will have to wait till he recovers."
Felix said.

"That's alright"

"Also Taehyung I wanted to talk to you"
Felix said.

Taehyung nodded.
"Jungkook wait for me in the parking lot. I will be back in a few minutes."
Jungkook nodded and walked away.

He was frowning.
Why couldn't they just talk in Front of him?

"What is it?"
Taehyung asked.

"Taehyung, I think you should tell Jungkook"

"No felix, he doesn't need to know. It's not a big deal."
Taehyung said frowning and avoiding eye contact with felix.

"No Big deal? Taehyung lee know was stabbed?
The police will soon be involved if his condition get's critical."

"What does that have anything to do with Jungkook?"

"Taehyung. I know you. And therefore I know even you aren't convinced by the fact that Jungkook was the only victim or-

Felix paused to look away,
"If he was a victim at all"

"What are you talking about?"
Taehyung snapped.

"Taehyung. You of all people know exactly what I am talking about? No one who was injured that day is admitting that they bullied Jungkook. Whenever I asked them about Jungkook,  they turn pale and refuse to answer any of the questions."
Felix said.

"I am leaving. Jungkook can't be alone right now, he is still not too well."
Taehyung declared gulping and turning away.

"Are you sure he even needs your protection? I know what is going on in your mind. You are just not admitting it Taehyung."
Felix said frustrated.

Taehyung walked away without giving Felix any kind of response.

I am sorry for not being active for a while. I will be updating often now.

Have a great time reading U^ェ^U

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