Chapter 7

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The sound of birds chirping and the yellow rays of the morning sun made Jungkook's eyes squint, he shuffled to his side and slowly opened his eyes

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The sound of birds chirping and the yellow rays of the morning sun made Jungkook's eyes squint, he shuffled to his side and slowly opened his eyes. It was the same bedroom he shared with Taehyung but Taehyung was nowhere to be seen.
He sighed but the memories of the previous day surged his mind.

He recalled a group of boys who looked like gangsters and one of them slamming him against a wall. But that's it.
He doesn't remember anything that happened after that.

He got up to walk towards the basin, he was surprised when he looked in the mirror.
He had a bandage on his forehead.
What had happened the previous day?

After he freshed up a bit he walked into the living room to find Taehyung sitting on the couch with a book in his hand.

Jungkook nervously sat next to him, and he was confused when Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes and moved away.

"I have made the breakfast you can have it before it gets cold"
Taehyung said and looked back at the book in his hand turning a page.

"Tae-hyung w-hat happened yesterday?"
Jungkook asked.

Taehyung looked tensed as the words left the younger's mouth.

"I remember coming across some bad guys and someone slamming me. I- even have a bandage on my forehead. W-hat happened?"
Jungkook asked.

Taehyung closed the Book and looked at jungkook.
"They were bullying you and hit you with a bat. When I reached the place where you were, your bag was gone and you were laying unconscious"

Jungkook's eyes widened and he hmmd.

"But the pa-in-"
Jungkook said after he touched his forehead and felt nothing.

"I gave you painkillers so you won't feel anything "
Taehyung said and stood up.

"I am going to take a shower " he declared walking away.

Jungkook just nodded and walked towards the kitchen to grab his breakfast.

Taehyung just wanted to calm down for a bit, he thought the shower would give him some time to sort his thoughts out and feel a bit relaxed but instead the moment he set his foot into the bathroom,
The horrific memories of the previous day surged his mind.
Blood. It was everywhere.
Jungkook was laying unconscious.As if that wasn't much of a surprise, he found all the other guys who apparantly bullied jungkook were stacked up on top of each other, badly beaten up and half of them unconscious while some groaned in pain. And one.
One guy was stabbed in the stomach.

He was confused and mortified but soon after he quickly picked up Jungkook.
"W-hat a- c-razy bastard"
Muttered one of the guys.

Taehyung just gave him a confused glare. He took the guy who was bleeding and Jungkook in a taxi with them, when they reached the hospital the guy who was stabbed was quickly taken to the Operation room. While he took Jungkook to get treatment from a friend of his who worked in the same hospital.

"Felix, just please check him. He is unconscious , I- don't know wh-o these guys were-"

"Don't worry I will take care of Jungkook"
Felix assured him.

After some time when Felix examined Jungkook he walked out of his cabin to see Taehyung sitting on a bench.

"Is he alright?"
Taehyung asked.

Felix seemed hesitant to say something, he sighed.
"Actually you s-ee Taehyun-"

"Taehyung" Jungkook called,
And Taehyung was brought back into the present , he was still thinking about the previous day.
He was in the shower for a long time now.

Taehyung replied.

"Someone is calling you."
Jungkook said, standing out of the door.
Taehyung frowned,

"Just ignore it then I am showering right now"

"They have called 15 times by now"
Jungkook said.

Taehyung knew who it might be, he gulped.
"Don't pick up the call, I am coming"

What do you think Felix told Taehyung?

Thank you for reading (◠‿・)—☆
Have a peaceful day ahead.

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