And she wanted more. 

Camila pulled me closer, her slender fingers tangling in my hair as I sighed, drowning in the feverish feeling of her satiny, sleek skin against mine. Her flimsy, sexy as fuck, red bikini is torture for me, my hands itch to rip it off her mouth-watering body, and she is only testing me, knowing goddamn well that I cannot take her now because I promised our girls to play with them and go diving with our sons. 

"Te mantendré jodidamente ocupada por la noche, mi dulce princesa."- I spoke in the kiss, smirking at how quickly a mere sentence in Spanish turned her on, her gorgeous eyes sparkling with desire. (I will keep you so fucking busy at night, my sweet princess.) 

"Tu español es muy sexy."- Cami moaned in my mouth, clutching my forearms gently. (Your Spanish is so sexy.) 

"Mhm, te gusta mucho más cuando te estoy follando hasta el olvido, ¿verdad, mi ángel?"- I whispered to her, my smirk darkening once her nails dug in my skin - the silent answer to what I already know. (Mhm, you like it way better when I am fucking you into oblivion, don't you, my angel?) 

"Si te burlas de mí, mi hermosa reina, prepárate para el castigo. ¿Está claro, mi amor?"- I warned her, kissing down her delicate neck. (If you tease me, my beautiful queen, brace yourself for punishment. Is that clear, my love?) 

"Mhm."- hummed Cami innocently, laying a teasing kiss on my chest, only adding fuel to the fire because that purity is exactly what I fucking love to corrupt. 

"Papà, let's go diving!"- chirped Maximiliano, dashing to us merrily, holding my hand cutely. 

"Lead the way, piccolo tesoro."- I replied lovingly, chuckling when he lead me to his brothers, all of them ready to dive. 

The water is crystal clear and very warm, way warmer than we expected, so with peace of mind I let them stay in it longer, knowing how much they love swimming. We had the best time together, laughing and playing, testing out water pistols. 

"I got you, papà!"- said Luc cheerfully as I smiled, treasuring their smiles and joy so damn much. 

"You sure did, amico."- I replied warmly, chuckling when Emi climbed on my back. 

"Time to tackle Adri and twins."- chirped my son, aiming his water pistol at his elder brothers, who took up the challenge with the greatest pleasure. 


I smiled as my elegant ladies sunbathed by my side, 5 of us chatting mellowly and drinking lemonade while Lorenzo, Federico, Luisa, Eloisa, Eliot and Francesca are napping in the shade after a fun swimming and playing session. 

"When will we have a SPA day again, mamma?"- wondered Sofi cutely, hugging me lovingly as I rubbed her back, kissing her forehead. 

"How about Friday? After school all of you are free and I don't have any meetings and photoshoots. We can go to SPA and the salon afterwards, some shopping would be nice too. What do you think?"- I offered, my heart fluttering when they immediately agreed, squeezing me tenderly, but tight enough for me to know how much they love this little ritual of ours. 

"Mamma, we beat Adri, Dom and Teo in the water polo!"- stated in delight Lucas, running to me with the cutest smile that Emi and Max mirrored. 

"Little champions."- I said warmly, hugging my babies as they smiled in joy, squishing me. 

Boys eagerly settled next to me and I melted when my eldest sons eagerly hugged me, all of them telling me about the game in detail. 

"I want to play water polo with you too."- said Angie with a pout, hugging her dad sweetly. 

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