Question & Answers

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Q5) What are your plans with using HATE, and how will it play an important role in the future of the story?

Ans: Alright so my future plans with HATE, will be present in the final arc of the story, remember back in season 3 when HATE stated that I will be back, yep it is gonna play a major role later on in the story, this will also include majority of the army of the Khaos Brigade along with their special weapon that was designed to destroy everything, corrupted souls will also be playing an important role in the next season, I will not reveal any more details as this is heading towards Spoiler Territory, so please be patient, this arc will be quite interesting. As for the ones that will be using HATE, Issei is one of them that will be using HATE later on.

Q6) Oh this one's from Issei, what are your favorite girls from my anime and why?

Ans: Really Issei, fine here is the list in ascending order

1) Rias: She may seem spoiled on the surface, but deep down she is quite kind hearted, I mean sure she makes mistakes due to her pride, but she becomes better overtime, this is why I don't hate her like many others, although her overreliance on Issei can be a problem from time to time, she is able to hold her own later on.

2) Asia: Everyone's favorite cinnamon role, while yes she ruins some moments, she is quite nice, even to the worst of the worst people, she doesn't seem to have any strong lingering hatred for anyone, this is true for a lot of her enemies, she is the type that prefers making friends and not enemies, she is also shown to be an extremely loyal person especially to those she cares about.

3) Irina: While at first she gave a very bad first impression, she deeply cares for her childhood friend Issei, even after he became a devil, but was scared that her love might tarnish her standing in heaven making her a fallen, she eventually does fall for Issei and care for him like her very own lover. She is an airhead though

4) Rosswiese: Everyone favorite Drunk Valkyrie, usually in her own world for most of the time, she is loyal to her superiors, hence she stook around Odin despite his well, questionable antics, she cares about a lot of people, but she is well does a complete 360 when she is drunk, and don't even get me started and why she does that

As for the others, the positions are 5) Akeno, 6) Ingvild 7) Bennia 8) Ravel 9) Koneko 10) Xenovia, I only gave reasons for the top 4 because they seemed to be my favourites so far, I did not go for any girl outside the ORC as they are not technically considered main characters, apparently the ones are not technically considered as Main Characters so yeah

Q7) What are the top 20 strongest beings in this story?

Ans: This excludes EXE gods or any multiversal entities, this is the final list, I will make any necessary changes, later on

1) Trihexa, Great Red, Issei (AxA) - The former two self explanatory as for Issei, he is fused with many entities including Draigg, Trihexa and Asriel Dreemurr

2) Beast 666 (Clone) - Will be revealed in the story later on

3) Gaia, Ophis and Issei - Self Explanatory, and Issei managed to hold his own against Gaia

4) The trimurti - Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma

5) Draigg, Albion and Crom Crauch - Heavenly dragons and Strongest evil dragon (Rage mode)

6) Sirzechs Lucifer, Ajuka Belzebub and Rizevim Livan Lucifer (Final Arc) - As for Rizevim will be explained in the Final Arc

7) Asriel Dreemurr and Indra - God of Hyperdeath and Heavenly king respectively

8) Hades - Strongest Underworld god

9) Thor - The god of Thunder

10) Lugh and Aten

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