Chapter 8

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Luke POV

"You guys do know I'm fine right," I asked Grodd and Shark

"You just fought a monster that was meant to kill AM and got majorly injured," Grodd said,"so your on the mend for awhile till you're fully recovered. Recovery Girls orders."

"Yeah, plus your arm still is messed up," Shark said, holding my bags,"its the least we can do."

I groaned and walked with them to the classroom, but I noticed some students running to the way 1-A was. I also noticed Joker and Harley were running to us, and it was weird to seem then concerned, as they were such carefree laughers.

"We got a problem boss," Joker said,"Shinso and some of the others are at 1-A!"

"What for," I asked

"To declare war for the UA Sports festival, and the others are a little ticked off that you almost died at the USJ for protecting them," Harley said,"we thought you should know"

I sighed and signaled them to follow me, imagining the damage they'll do. We got there and I see Bakugo talking trash about my class and the others as well, like how we're not heros, having evil quirks and just being a class lower then 1-B. The others were mad and pissed off, hell Snart and Turner yelled at Bakugo if I wasn't there, they would be dead meat dead meat.

Not wrong.

"Yeah right, like that freak was worth anything," he said, not looking where he was going, and bumped into me

"Hi," I said, he backs up in fear

"Watch where your going freak!"

He walks have and the others just trash talking us for being us. I saw the others were down and sad, hell even Nanaue was sad and that wasn't right with me, so I signaled them all to meet at the classroom, where I'll talk to them and hopefully get their sprits up. After they got there and I was in front, I noticed they were all down, so I grunted to get their attention

"Ok everyone," I said,"I know this is outta left field, but I think you all know the reason why I called this meeting right?"

"Yeah, everybody keeps putting us down even before the festival's even started," Floyd said,"their acting like we've already lost!"

"They keep making fun of me just cause of how I look," Shark said, looking down,"I can't even get food in the cafeteria without some jerk blocking the way!"

"And that Bakugo prick took our challenge as a joke," Shinso said, pissed off,"thinking his already won the whole damn thing!"

Similar reason were discussed by the class, until I stopped them.

"Okay everyone, calm down, trust me," I said,"I know its a pain in the ass, but lets not give them the satisfaction of their taunting of us work."

"Easier said then down man," Ben said

"I can't even practice my quirk because people make fun of my skin or how I'm covered in plant marks," Pamela said

"I'm not even in the mood to make jokes cause of these jerks," Joker said, having anime tears on his face and a napkin to blow his nose

"*sigh* Listen you guys, it's rough trust me, I know," I said,"I know just as well you guys. How hard life can be, I've been called a freak, loser, your name it, but you wanna know what? I'm still standing despite all the shit I've gone though, I'm still here and as your call re- no as your friend, I'm not gonna let some arrogant pricks take that away from us!

They haven't won yet, why? Because despite everything we've been though, we haven't given up yet! We're still here, I might not want to be a hero like the rest of you, but I'm still living human being and deserve to be treated like one. And we're UA students too, and we deserve a chance like anybody else!"

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