Chapter 6

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3rd POV

Luke and the Nomu charge at each other and started bashing each other in the face. Luke ducked under a left jab and threw a right hook into its abdomen, but it hardly flinched, so he spinned under it and grabbed it midsection and lifted it up and slammed it down on it head. It got up and bashed in Lukes head, making him bleed

"Damn," he said and whacked his tail across its face

It made it back up, but Luke didn't give it time to rest. He charged and started laying it down hard, and when he managed to cut it, break a bone, it just regenerated and continued to fight. Luke sidestepped and when it tried to punch him, he opened his mouth wide and crunched down, its entire arm fell down. Luke knew it wouldn't last long so he grabbed it and hit it across the face, then proceeded to use the bone part to stab it in the eye

Nomus arm regrew and he punched Luke and made him fly, crashing into a building. Nomu charged at it. Leaving the hand and mist villain with Aziawa, who took a chance and attacked, but the mist villain opened a portal and made him fall flat face in the ground. The hand villain was on top of him, then placed four fingers on his throat.

"Move and this will happen," he said, grabbing a rock

When all have fingers touched it, it started to turn into dust. Aziawa knew the risks now, so all he could do was watch Luke fight for his life.

Luke spliced a car in half, grabbing the spliced ends and used them to fight the Nomu, bashing its face in. The Nomu barely dodged and had most of its bones broken, but it regenerated and fought back

"Nomu here was bioengineered to fight All Might at his full power," the hand villain said,"the quirks it was given was hand picked to make killing him easy.

"Quirks," Aziawa asked terrified

Luke was blind sided and was kicked in his ribs, cut his breathing off for a second. He was pushed into a building, with his back fully against it and the Nomu was bashing in his midsection like no tomorrow. Luke tired to protect himself, but it was to strong, so he doubled down and waited

"I was surprised Nomu attacked the crocodile," he said,"normally it was told to follow my orders and no one else. This beast must be strong if Nomu attacked unordered."

Luke saw a piece of rebar with a clump of concrete on the end, so he reached for it and whacked the Nomu across the face, busting its face. Luke keep bashing across the body and hoped it would kill it. But the Nomu grabbed it and punched him into the face hard, making him flying into a building man. With it all crumbling down on him, making a huge dust cloud

"LUKE," Aziawa yelled

"Heros today are nothing but pampered losers, ones who think they can win anything cause they have quirks, he said,"Im a necessary shock to the system, as today people seen with no value are left to rot and heros do nothing to help."   

"LUKE, LUKE," Aziawa yelled at him

After the cloud subsides, Aziawa and a few members of 1-A that were there in cannon, all gasped in shock. Luke had rebar sticking out of his body, his left eye was scratched down the middle, and his left shoulder was dislocated.

"Lookie here, a dead wanna be hero," the hand villain said,"this g   oes to show Nomu will kill All Might, you and all the students here, I'll make sure they will suffer, slowly, painfully and agonizing pain. And all of this could have been stopped only if this monster was stronger!"

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