40 - 18, A Queen, & Pregnant...

Start from the beginning

I pulled her up to face me.

"Alyssa, I want this baby as much as I want you, and I'll love it the same. Besides, you're only six weeks along. We have a lot of time to be with each other. I'm happy we're having a baby. Stop worrying about that, and worry about how your mother is going to take the news."

She winced. "Somehow I think she already knows."

I kissed her forehead and released her. "Now go get changed. We need to be back before the party starts."

***** 2 months later *****

I was a little buzzed from all the liquor I had been consuming. I was a regular at this club. They knew who I was, but didn't seem to mind or make a big fuss about it, and I was glad for that. I eased back, rested my head against the back of the couch and closed my eyes.

"You look like you could use some company."

That voice sounded vaguely familiar. I opened my eyes and stared into a similar pair of blue eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"I come here often to play out my fantasies."

"Does your father know about this?"

She scoffed. "Of course not! He'd probably have a heart attack if he knew."

"So tell me, what are your fantasies?"

"Come now Prince Blake, you know a lady never reveals her secrets."

"That she doesn't. Care to indulge with me tonight?" I threw the question out there not really expecting her to take me up on my offer. It's no secret I can be very brutal and cruel, so I was surprised when she shrugged and took my hand leading me to where they had the private rooms. Eyes followed our every move, but I knew none of them would dare say anything.


I was a little over three months pregnant now. Almost four months I think, and you could see a small baby bump. Dimitri seemed to be fascinated by it, and would stare at my naked tummy every chance he got. We were sprawled out in our huge bathtub relaxing, when a knock came at the door.

"Go away," Dimitri growled.

"Who is it?" I asked.

People don't normally knock around here, they just barge in. So I was curious to know who was at the door.

"It's Nate. I really need to talk to you."

Dimitri got out and held one of his shirts for me to get in, while he wrapped a towel around his waist. He jerked the door opened and glared at Nate.

"This better be important Nathaniel!"

I rolled my eyes and invited Nate in. Clearly he was worried about something.

"I need you to go get Blake."

"And why should I do that? Blake is an adult. He can take care of himself."

"Go get dressed Dimitri, and stop being an ass. Your brother needs our help and we're going to help him." I pushed him in the direction of the closet and turned my gaze to Nate. He was looking at me weirdly. "It's because I'm pregnant. I get away with whatever I want," I said with a smile.

"So I see." He smiled, and then got serious again. "Blake has been going out to a BDSM club every night for months now and sometimes he even stays out the whole night. I don't know where he sleeps or what he's doing, and I can see that it is hurting Aria. She doesn't really know where he's going, but every time he leaves she just shuts down completely."

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