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A lonely dark street....

Tonight is so dark than ever he saw...maybe it's because it's his last night on the earth...
He is terrified.... Frightened....

He is injured... blood flowing from his wounds and he is crawling on the road....
heavy wind blowing and it is really cold like it is going to rain...

" Please leave me.. I will never get into your path again... please spare my life "

He plead when he could not crawl more due to the pain and wound he has on his body...

He is pleading to a man who is standing in front of him...
That man is wearing a black hoodie and four goons are standing near him... His face is not visible due to the darkness...

The hoodie man laugh evilly and look at the poor injured man on floor...

"You should think it before.... Sorry, now time is over"

Saying this he point the gun to the poor man...
The man plead but...


The bullet shot his head and he died... Blood is flowing from his head, at that time rain started...
The hoodie man open his arm and smile... He is enjoying the rain... After taking away a life...

Then he look at the dead man and smirk....
He take out a small silver plate... It is size is small like a finger...

He throw that plate on the dead body...rain is pouring on him...

"I really love when people plead...after seeing his dead body... my enemies will know who I am... With whom they are messing up..... I am.... I am THE DEVIL "

He said and laugh...








people are surrounding a part of road....

A boy was there by holding gun pointing out others and holding a girl hand....
the girl is trying to make herself free... pleading everyone to save her but no one there to save her,  as the boy is holding a gun and with him there are two more boys who is pointing gun to the people who are there....

" Please leave me... what did I have done to you.. please don't ruin my life "

The girl plead but these boys are not ready to leave her...
Those boys are college boys and the girl is their classmate...

" You rejected my you will see what will I do with you.... you can't show your face to others tomorrow "

It is clear from the boy dialogues that he is going to kidnap her...

No one is there  to help him but suddenly a gun shoot heard and one of the boy fall on the floor injured...

Before the main boy look around more 2 gun shoot comes and three of the boys are on floor.... their hands are injured because someone shoot bullet on their hand and the boys left the gun on the floor...

Before anyone think anything police come there and take the guns from the boys...

People turn to see who shoot the bullet and they saw a girl... is wearing white shirt with jeans, wearing  black sun glasses  and holding gun.. pointing out towards the boys...
her hair is bound as a ponytail... attitude and confidence is showing on her face clearly...

And the way she shoots the boys it is clear that she is a police officer...
She comes near the boys who are now stand up and they are really scared...
The poor girl is crying...

That girl who shoots the boys come near the girl who is crying.... and slap her hardly in front of everyone....

The poor girl looked at her in confusion....

" Why you are crying "

The police girl ask and the poor girl stays silent....

" insted of crying, if you try to slap them maybe you don't need my help... I don't know why girls in India try to be a princess but not a warrior  "

The poor girl looks down and the police girl look at the boys.
There are more four Police officers standing near the boys holding them...

" Leave them... let them go "

The police girls said and the other officers get confused...
they just arrested the three boys red handed and the police girl is saying them to go...

The police girl look at those people who were standing there and watching the poor girls being humiliated...

" Now the show is finished...
you can go to your work... ok "

He almost shout on them and people disappeared... Who don't be scared from police...

" mam what are you saying....we just arrested this 3 criminals... if you let them go they will again do wrong things with girls "

One of the officers said....

" Are not you talking too much? do as I say... I am the senior officer... I know what i am doing....just let them go "

The police girls said..
The poor girl who is humiliated is feeling like crying again because the police girl is leaving the boys who tried to molest her .. But she did not dare to cry again as the police girl already slapped her for crying..

The officers could not say anything as the police girl a senior from them they left the boys...

The boys were scared first... but when they realised the police girl is leaving them...they get confidence and start walking from there.... They glare to the poor girl... Signalling her that they will come back to take revenge and the poor girl shiver in fear...

The boys goes few steps and then they heard a sound...

" Run as fast as you can.. because my Bullet is going to do Marathon with you "

The police girl said and when the boys turn their throat gone dry...

The police girl is holding gun pointing towards them.... ready to shoot them to dead...
The officers get shocked...


The police girl shout and the boy started running.... but before they could Run more,  Bullet hit their heads and three of them fall on road dead....

The officers and the poor girl are really scared and shocked to this action of this police girl...

" Ma'am what have you done... why you kill them? "

One of the officers ask..

" I give them a second chance... because they are college boys... but when they were leaving they just glar to the same girl...
it means they are not going to big good in the future.... so I don't think they deserve second chance.... so I killed them.... and apart from that their past records was also not good "

The police girls said casually like it is not a big deal.... while the other officers are really scared...

" Mam you are a girl but still you have no.....''

" Yes I am a girl and I have no mercy....specially for the criminals like them.... I am THE DEVIL of my world... I am Gauri Kumari Sharma... DSP of mumbai police... Got it... "

She turn and wear her glasses in style....




So how many of you are excited for this story?? Let me know🤩

Micky ❤️

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