*I Am Emily: Chapter 7*

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Chapter 7
    The Journey

I wake up to the bright sun shining through the ripped curtains covering the windows. I walk over to my mom to wake her up. But to my surprise she wasn't in her cot. I walk over to her sister and ask if she has seen her. She nods her head and laughs. She says she went to wake me up. I giggle and walk back over to my cot. I then see my mom with a worried look on her face. I just think it is because i´m not in my cot. I tap her shoulder and give her a big smile. She frowns and my smile shrinks. ¨We have to go, Emily.¨ she says. ¨Why?¨ I say. ¨Because it turns out your father isn´t dead. And for us to survive we need him dead. He won't stop until he kills you.¨ She says. ¨But there isn't a reason to kill me...¨ I say in a shaky voice. ¨I know but your dad is a lunatic. And I know for a fact that he is going to finish his task no matter what,¨ My mom says. ¨Fortunately, I know where he is heading. Unfortunately, it is far.¨ I frown and ask how far. ¨About 80 miles...¨ she says. I give a sigh and put on my shoes. ¨Let's go. If we start now we should be there in a couple days if we only take breaks to sleep.¨ I say in a determined voice to get this done and over with. ¨That's my girl!¨ my mom says running to her cot. She comes back with a few things in her hands. I put my stuff into my trash bag; she puts her stuff in too. I say goodbye to Emma,Mia,Jason, and Granny and thank them for getting me this far. Jason hands me a knife and kisses me on the cheek. I blush and Mia mocks us. My mom grabs my hand and pulls me out of the shelter. Jason winks at me and I smile without knowing. What just happened…  I think. Too bad i´ll never see him again… I think again. I walk with my mom for hours through flooded water talking about Jason,what is happening, and just everything. As we walk through receding water we see the staring eyes and lifeless limbs of dead bodies sloshing through the water as we walk for hours on end. We then come across a raging river. It goes for what seems like miles. My mom cusses and I rub my arm getting dirt in my cuts. I flinch and stomp my foot. The sun starts to set and all I can hear is the rushing water coming from the river. Water hits the rocks and water splashes on me, getting salt in my cuts. My mom grabs a big stick nearby and sticks into the river. The rushing water rips it out of her hands and I watch as the stick crashes into a rock and breaks in half. My mom cusses over and over hitting her head as I think of a way to get over the river. ¨That's it!¨ I shout. I grab the knife Jason gave me and head over to a tree. I start chopping and my mom rolls her eyes at me. ¨That isn't gonna work! You really think a knife can cut down a tree!?¨ My mom says. ¨Well you have a better idea!?¨ I say. She shakes her head. I give up as the light from the sun starts to fade. ¨Lets just cross it. We already wasted time. I bet your dad is already at that place waiting for us to come.¨ My mom says. ¨Wait...Why is he waiting?¨ I say. ¨Because he knows we're coming...¨ We argue and we stop once daylight disappears. ¨I´m sorry! It was either this or he comes and kills you.¨ My mom finally says. ¨So, let me get this straight!? You made a deal with him that we would pretend none of this happened!?¨ I say. ¨Yes...¨ My mom says. ¨Well i'm not going to do that. I am going to fight him. And I will win.¨ I say. My mom nods and says she agrees and apologizes. We set up ¨camp¨ and head to sleep.

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