*I Am Emily: Chapter 1*

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Chapter 1
"It's just the beginning"

I always had a typical family, although I always thought I never quite fit in. My brother had the weirdest friends, I hated when they would come over because of what they talked about near a 12-year-old girl, which is me. My dad was always on the edge with work,family, and other 'adultie' stuff. My sister was in her own world with grades, and her friends she always hung out with. She was also known as the "Pride and joy" of the family. Of course... I'm the youngest. My brother is the oldest, and my sister is the middle; but my brother and sister are only a year apart from each other. My sister is 16, my brother is 17, and I am 12. You would think I am not much younger than them but how my sister acts is how my mom acts and she is 32. . . Well. . .Was 32. She would've be 33 this August. But she died when I was really young. And I don't really remember what she was like that much. But I don't think of her often. Dad was never the same since mom passed away. He barely talks about her and her name is banned in the house. I never understood why, but I also never thought of it that much. But it is May 22nd and it's a new day to be me! I packed my bags to get ready for the last day of school! I get in my brother's car with one of his creepy friends in the front seat and me stuffed in the back with ripped up cushions and seats that smell like perfume and fast food. I plug in my headphones to drain out the chatter of my brother's horrid conversation with his friend. After what seemed like an eternity we finally got to my school and I quickly grabbed my bag and my lunch box that had my favorite show on the front, with my hidden cupcake in it and headed to class. The day was going pretty good so far, then I saw my friend, Chloe heading to class at the same time as me. "Oh hey Emily! I didn't see ya' there!" Chloe said with the biggest smile stamped on her face. "Hi Chloe! Are you ready for the last day of school?" I say with glittering eyes and my bag falling off my shoulder. "It's the last day of school?" Chloe said in a shaky voice. "Yup! And I snuck one of my cupcakes I made last night into my lunchbox! We can split it if you'd like!" I said catching my bag from falling. "I. . ." Chloe said, staring aimlessly at me. "Chloe are you alright?" I said in a worried tone adjusting my backpack so it won't fall off again. Chloe stared and stared at me until the 5 minute bell rang. "5 minutes, we better get to class Em." Chloe said as if she hadn't just almost made me slap her in the face to snap out of it. "Chloe what's going on?" I say in an unsteady voice. Chloe then walks to class with her hands gripped tightly to her backpack and her hair swishing back and forth as she walks to class. I slowly follow her examining if she has anything she is hiding from me like a note or bruises. Just something to give me a sign on why she is acting so strange. We get to class right as the bell rings when school starts. I sit at my assigned desk next to Chloe and wait for my teacher to say something. I get comfortable for the 2 hour math class until reading. I sit for about 15 minutes until the teacher walks in with someone I have never seen before. They were wearing a red shirt that had white print saying The Cool Kid Just Showed Up. With a black jacket around their waist and to complete the look some very thin skinny jeans with a few purposely put holes in them. Typical wanna be a popular kid that is new to the school. He walked into class and the teacher already didn't seem too happy with him. My teacher, Mrs.Berchaple pointed to the empty desk next to me. I looked at him with the "Don't talk to me, I am not interested." look. Yet he still sat at his desk and gave me the "Hard to get aye'?" look. I hate boys; they are gross,weird, and nasty human beings. . .Well, in my opinion. I think i'll wait till I finally understand why girls go crazy over guys when I actually talk to a boy that isn't nice, and my friend. I look over to Chloe in a face of disgust. I then see her blush. I immediately grab a piece of paper and write Don't you dare talk to him! And throw it at her. The teacher looked at me as I was throwing the note at Chloe and walked over and picked up the note. "So you think passing notes in class is okay Emily?" Mrs.Berchaple said in the y'know "I caught you" voice. I shake my head and reach out to grab the note. Mrs.Berchaple stretches her arm up when I try to grab it and she slowly unfolds the note. Everyone is whispering to each other and I feel my cheeks start to go hot. Right as she starts talking I grab the note ripping it in half in the process. Everyone gasps and I immediately start tearing up and regretting what I did. "I-I-I didn't mean to!" I say in tears and my eyes start to go blurry from the tears. "I just-" Mrs.Berchaple cut me off by banging her fist on my desk and putting her pointer finger over her mouth. But Mrs.Berchaple is Mrs.Berchaple and she holds out her hand and I give her the other half of the note. She then grabs a roll of tape and walks out of the classroom. As soon as she leaves everyone in the class starts to whisper and glance at me. I slump down in my chair and stuff my face into my jacket. I then hear the announcements start. The whole class goes quiet and a lady starts to talk. "Someone in my classroom decides to disrespect me and my fellow workers. And her name is Emily Lockheart," A lady that I now point out that is Mrs.Berchaple says over the announcements while my face turns into a tomato and I feel my toes going numb. She then continues, "She decides that she wants to pass notes in class. So, let's see what dear ol' Emily has to say." She starts to read the note and I run out of the classroom. Tears trickle down my face as I hear the echoing of kids' laughter and my teacher's voice reading the note. I ran to the only place I could think of. I ran to my favorite teacher's classroom. I think to myself, Don't worry Emily I just have to get through this day. After all it is the last day of school and then I have 2 months to play with my friends and everyone will forget about it by the time I get into 7th grade. I'll just head to my 5th grade teachers room, Mrs.Lawrence. She isn't far and her class is at lunch right now anyways. Just gotta get through today. I then got to her room and she wasn't shocked to see me at all. She lets me in and gets me a drink of water to calm down. "So Emily. Got yourself into a bit of trouble again didn't ya?" She says with a chuckle. "It isn't funny," I say in a grumpy voice. "They all laughed and now everyone thinks I am an idiot." She then pats my back and picks up the phone and dials a number. "Hello, I was just telling you I have Emily. She is going to stay in my room for the rest of the day. Just tell her teachers to bring down her work for the day and her stuff. Thank you again, sis. Okay bye." She says on the phone in a happy manner. You see Mrs.Lawrence is the principal's sister. And she happens to be my mom's best friend. She was also crushed when my mom passed away so she knows what I am going through. About 20 minutes later they bring my stuff and her class walks in. I sit in the corner while her class watches a movie. I remember last year on the last day of school I had no work and we stayed in our homeroom all day talking, playing games, and watching movies. But now it is just a normal school day. But I sit in the corner finishing my work until the bell rings for the end of the day. I cleaned up my mess and got dizzy from crying so much and the loud babble of kids talking about what they are gonna do this summer. I then walk out of the school thanking Mrs.Lawrence and wait for my brother to pick me up. I do the same routine I always do when my brother picks me up. I get home and text Chloe that I was sorry. She then answered back as soon as I sent the text. But it wasn't the text I was expecting. I was expecting something along the lines of "Okay, don't worry about it. Best friends are forever right?" But no. I don't think my day could have gotten worse but this text made my heart shatter.

I Am Emilyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें