*I Am Emily: Chapter 2*

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Chapter 2
          Should I have said it?

I sit staring at my phone reading the text over and over again second guessing if this was a dream or not. I soon snap out of it and pinch myself. "Ouch!" I mutter under my breath. "This is definitely real," I tell myself. I then read the text out-loud, "This isn't how things were supposed to turn out. You ruined my plan. 6 years down the drain! I was friends with you half of your life. Now everyone is going to die because of you! But this isn't over. You will be dead by midnight tonight no matter what. I would rather be in jail then be dead." I then blankly look at the text again and about 5 minutes after looking at it again a message pops up saying, "This user has blocked you." My heart pounds and I pinch myself again. "Ouch!" I say already knowing it was real. My dad walks in and yells at me to do my chores. I still stare at my phone and my dad walks away slowly. I then walk into my room to see my brother snooping through my diary again. I slap my diary out of his hands and he flinches and jolts onto the ground. He then cusses me out and I tell him to stay out of my room for about the millionth time. I got frustrated with the loads of online work I still need to finish before the end of the day. My brother plops himself back onto my bed and slowly starts grabbing my diary again. I grunt and grab the book. I start getting a bunch of text messages from all my friends talking about what happened today while my brother keeps stealing my diary and my phone trying to look through my texts. Then my sister walks in with a question on her assignment for a younger sibling or family member report on their life. And I also still have a million other things on my mind still. My brother then starts ripping papers out of my diary and texting random people on my contacts list who knows what. And then it happened. My dad yelled from the kitchen to me saying, "Emily chores! Don't make me say it again!" I then replied back in a loud angered voice, "I'll get to it! Just leave me alone! I am busy right now! Do any of you care!? No, you don´t!" Everyone goes silent. The sounds of ripping papers stop. The sound of my sister typing stops. The sound of my phone notifications stop. The only thing that I can hear is the heavy footsteps coming to my room. My dad walks into my room. But what he said was shocking.

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