"Wait. Where's Kenric?" Sophie asked suddenly.

"He was stabbed yesterday, so it's probably safe to say he's not coming to breakfast, mom." Ashton answered. 

"Oh, yeah. Right." 

Once they all finished breakfast, Sophie and Keefe went back upstairs, leaving Ashton to babysit Alora while she was outside with Wynn and Luna. 

"We didn't talk about this last night, but which of us is going to tell Kenric about his new ability?" Sophie asked when they got to their bedroom. 

"As much as I hate to say this, I probably should." Keefe said, wincing. "It is my ability he inherited, so it makes more sense for me to do it." 

"Yeah, that makes sense. I'll still be there when you tell him, though." 

Keefe nodded. Sophie opened her mouth to say more before a terrible feeling surfaced in her stomach. 

"Shoot." was all she was able to mutter before she ran to the bathroom and puked into the toilet. 

"Ah, Foster, I forgot about that. Are you okay?" Keefe asked sympathetically, most likely feeling her nausea. He kneeled down on the floor next her, holding her hair away from her face.

Sophie heaved once more before leaning back against the wall and nodding to answer Keefe's previous question. 

"I forgot about it, too. I didn't realize I got morning sickness." she said, turing to look at Keefe and laying her head against the wall. "I think I might stay in here a little bit longer, just in case it comes back." 

Keefe nodded. 

"I'll stay here with you. Do you need anything?" Keefe asked. 

"Such a gentleman." she said, laughing slightly. "No, I don't thin-" Sophie continued before being interrupted by the ring of an imparter. 

"Can you go get that?" she asked. 

"Sure, Foster." Keefe said, getting up and exiting the bathroom to retrieve the item requested. 

From the other room, Sophie heard the ringing stop and a high-pitched, girly voice replace it. Biana, she thought. 

Keefe walked in with an excited-looking Biana on the imparter. 

"Hey, mini Sophie!" she called. 

"Hi." Sophie said weakly. 

"Whoa, Sophie. You're not looking too good. Are you okay? Do we need to cancel for tonight?" Biana asked, her face falling a bit. A look of confusion crossed Sophie's face. 

Tonight?, Sophie thought. Oh right. We're going to Linh's place.

"No, we don't have to cancel. I just have some morning sickness." 

"Oh good." Biana said, relief clear on her face. 

"Hey, Biana?"


"What if we mess up? What if we say the wrong thing tonight? What if-" 

"Foster, even I can tell you that you need to stop freaking out. It's going to be fine. Biana will be there to run interference. And, I mean, what can go wrong when you have me around?" he said, smirking. 

"A lot. I know from experience that a lot can go wrong with Keefe around." Biana said.

"I can agree with that." Sophie added.

Keefe gasped in mock hurt and placed his hand over his heart.

"I'm offended!" he exclaimed. "I make everything better!"

"You're good at fooling yourself, Hunkyhair." Biana said.

"Since when did you start calling me that?" Keefe asked a look of suprise coming on to his face. 

"Probably about 10 years ago. I eventually just picked it up from Ro." 

"Makes sense." Keefe said, nodding.  


"Again? Why do your children always decide to get into trouble when I'm here?" Biana said, a bit exasperated. 

"Oh, that reminds me, I need to tell you about last night and Kenric." Sophie said.

"Just tell me at Linh's." 


"Also, if something happened to Kenric last night, that's who's calling you now." 

"I still don't know how you can tell which kid it is." 

"It's a gift." Biana said, shrugging her shoulders. 

"Foster, his emotions are telling me he's in a lot of pain." Keefe interrupted. 

"Hail Elwin. The elixirs must be wearing off." 

Keefe pulled out his imparter and went to hail Elwin. 

"Okay, I need to go check on Kenric." 

"Wait! Now I'm really curio-" Biana started to say before Sophie ended the hail and went to Kenric's room. 

"Hey, Kenric. You okay?" Sophie asked timidly. 

"Ow." Kenric said in response, wincing.

"Oh, sweetheart." Sophie said. 

"Okay, Elwin is all hailed. He'll be here soon." Keefe said, walking into the room. "Ouch, buddy. That hurts."

"Trust me, I know. And it's worse for me." Kenric said, gritting his teeth to stop from crying out in pain. 

Elwin burst into the room, flashing colors over Kenric left and right. 

"You're awake this time." Elwin said, smiling at him. 

Kenric laughed. 

"Yeah. It's probably better I wasn't consious last night, though." 

"True." Elwin said and then turned to Keefe and Sophie. "Oh, and I brought a guest. I'm sure you won't mind that he's here, though. I was just treating something for him when I got your call and he wanted to come say hi." 

"Oh..." Keefe said, shooting a confused glance to Sophie, which she returned. 

"Hey guys." said a familiar elf with dark brown hair and teal eyes. The elf flashed a movie star-worthy smile at them. 

Both Sophie and Keefe were shocked. 

"Fitz?" they said together. 

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