what if? part two a heart to heart 💀🌊

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Read part one to understand the whole story

Ships: (more of comforting wise lmao-) brash and blawn

Platonic ones: Ash and Davis & Fell and Brook

3rd person pov

A couple of day went by, the bois tagged along with the elements to help them on there quest. Which was a good idea, fell and tom could smell danger coming from a mile away, ennards systems could detect traps and the others were pretty powerful themselves.

The other elements were pretty impressed at their teamwork. Ash, being their leader not only made decisions on their actions and plans but took ideas that others suggested to him and adding it onto small plans.

But other than their teamwork, there friendship and trust for one another was definitely strong. Blake, robin, and dawn got along nicely with the other's, misty was good pals with quite a few of them, phoenix-. She's working on it, she's at least giving them a chance.

Brook however, kept to himself. The bois gave him space, but some of them could tell there was more to it than that.

The gang had stopped to rest up for a bit, giving ash the opportunity to show his other worldly friends his new powers. Sollux was starstruck at his powers. The others were doing some other things, like conversating with each other, ennard being a doofus, tom sitting on a tree (like a cat) looking out for danger, ect ect.

Ash spoke with sollux, davis, and fell as they asked questions. "2o your liike, the new earth element" Sollux asked astonishedly. Ash chuckled and nodded "yep" he replyed

Fell whispered to davis "looks like the leader might become the strongest of us" davis chuckled "hey, you know I don't care about my strength fell" ash said grabbing his attention. Fell chuckled "its true thought" he told him "I know I know, but I'd rather not be the leader just because of my powers" ash responded.

Fell shrugged "eh, you do you" ash chuckled, turning his attention back to sollux as he asked more questions. Ash soon turned his attention to where brook was. He was sitting by himself looking pretty down.

Ash blinked, his face changed to a slightly concerned look. He walked over to him and knelt down to his level. Tilling his head to at least get a good look at him he asked "hey, you ok?" Brook perked up upon hearing his voice.

Brook sighed and replyed with "I'm fine" ash blinked and told him "I know there's something bothering you, what's up?" Brook sighed "it's nothing ash, you wouldn't understand" ash blinked at that "bro-" he was cut off by brook standing up and say "look it's nothing ash just leave me alone" he said before he turned on his heel and walked off.

The others upon hearing that looked over to see what the commotion was. Ash's eyes were a bit wide. He looked down with shame. He walked to a tree and sat down against it. Davis walked to him and knelt to him "what happened?"

Ash sighed "I don't know, he was looking down, it's probably my fault for leaving him out these past few days" ash replyed. Davis blinked, he looked over at fell making eye contact with him. The two nodded at each other before fell turned and headed after brook.

Davis sat down next to ash to talk to him.

Meanwhile with brook

Brook sat at an opened area of the forest, he had his knees up to his chest. His mind was wandering everywhere, all the thoughts and memories of seeing ash with these other guys made him feel a little lonely.

He was more used to ash nagging at him and hanging out with him. But now, he wasn't. Brook kinda missed that 'you see brook...' 'he doesn't care about you' brook's eyes widen feeling tears forming in his eyes 'he'll turn his back on you, just like all the other's...., just like your parents'

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