comforting times 🔥🧊

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Requested by: SNOWKK1

ship: phobin (phoenix x robin)

Summary: Robin was walking around the house when she hears someone crying that someone was phoenix she being a good friend (cough cough GIRLFRIEND cough chough) she is, she decides to help her (months after the dark force)

3rd person pov

The halls of the protectors home was dark and silent the only thing that you could hear was the crickets outside. Someone was walking through the halls though the element of ice, Robin Frost. She was awake to get something to drink. Once she finished the water bottle she tossed it away. Robin was walking back to her room but before she got to her room she heard distant almost silent sobs. Confused robin followed the sounds, she was shocked when she found out it was coming from Phoenix's room. Robin creaked the door and found her sitting on the floor at the end of the bed. Robin grew sad seeing Phoenix like this "phoenix..." Phoenix jumped upon hearing her name she quickly wiped her eyes "yes robin" phoenix said trying to sound calm robin walked in and sat down next to her "phoenix what's wrong???" Phoenix looked away being stubborn robin scotched over a bit and wrapped her arm around phoenix's shoulder "you know you can tell me anything phoenix right??" Phoenix looked back at robin, tears began to form again as she hugged robin. Robin was shocked she didn't expect this from phoenix her face changed from shock to sadness as she hugged Phoenix back, phoenix began to mumble at first it was incoherent but robin heard "no one cares about me, I am nothing" robin responded almost instantly "you are NOT nothing phoenix" phoenix froze "phoenix your aren't nothing we care about you" robin paused then continued remembering something "infact the other have been worried about you, you haven't been acting like your usual self we've been wondering what's been going on with you" Phoenix stared in silence she didn't expect this to come out of robin "phoenix if you ever need a shoulder to cry on don't hesitate to ask us, don't hesitate to ask me" robin placed a hand on her cheek wiping the tears away "got that" she asked, phoenix felt more tears fall but some were happy tears phoenix hugged robin and murmured "can you say here tonight" robin felt her heart pound a little she didn't expect phoenix to ask that but she smiled, hugged back and said "of course." The two sat there for a while till robin and phoenix crawled into bed phoenix had a bit of a death grip on robin and it was difficult to move but robin managed. Soon the two fell asleep snuggling (I think I got a new art idea). The next day robin had everyone sit down and helped phoenix open up (even if it's a little bit) to the others, the others as robin stated were supportive and was meet with hugs from misty and dawn hell Blake patted her shoulder "phoenix don't hesitate to talk to us if you need closure" was all ash said before he joined in on the hug. Phoenix felt a little overwhelmed but she only hugged back and cried brook even joined in on the hug and was followed by robin. Phoenix never felt happier in her life "thank you" she murmured "no problem phoenix" misty stated, dawn smiled as she said "happy to help" ash, brook, and Blake nodded, and phoenix felt herself smile she knew she wasn't alone and she won't be for a long time, phoenix and robin shared a glance and phoenix texted robin 'wanna go somewhere later on me' robin sorta blushed was phoenix asking her out? Robin texted back 'like a date?' she saw phoenix smile and reply 'yeah you could say that, it also a thank you for last night' robin smiled and replyed 'sure' phoenix smile grew bigger as the two knew that this was with out a dough the best day ever (also there date was good went to a restaurant the watched the sunset).

WHOO FINALLY I'M DONE SNOWKK1 I hope you like it, sorry it's short I tried making it long but it didn't work out oof, if you guys have any other requests leave them in the comments of the request chapter or down below

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