Part 1 Chp 5: Taehyung, Who's Excited to Witness the Live-Action

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"Me and my men will go now, Your Majesty." Jungkook said with a courteous voice. Satisfied with his good treatment of the thigh he will hold in the future, the king nodded cheerfully once more.

When Taehyung noticed the ML leaving the area, he quickly exclaimed before entering the room, "We want to go with you!" The cannon fodder that is presently clutching his younger brother's right hand caught the attention of the two monarchs, his father, and Jungkook. His younger sibling, who had been just sleeping earlier, is even more confused by his big brother's assertion.

The king's mouth is still open, sucking in the air, as if his son's words aren't sinking in and his brain isn't processing them at the moment. "W-Wha- Taehyung?!"

"But we desire to go and you cannot hinder us, father!" Taehyung begat his father like a whiny child. Since it's not mentioned in the book, he can't tell if this body is being whiny to his father or is just behaving charming all the time, but what can he do? Yes, he is fucking desperate.

Like a furious parent berating his mischievous son, the king exclaimed, "TAEHYUNG! YOU ARE OFFENDING PRINCE JUNGKOOK BY YOUR WORDS!" The king's position now resembles that of an elderly man who has encountered an unanticipated situation that he is unable to resolve, which makes it even funnier.

"B-but father-"



The king heaved in insanity, "I said no, Taehyung and that's it! Please give me some faces, will you?" The monarch, who is a little older now, is described by the author by this: The King adores his boys and will do everything in his power to provide for them. However, the king treats his kids a little more seriously than their mother did. The monarch didn't fear a war but he was more feared of his wife.

With Taehyung locked in a stare-down with his father, Jungkook abruptly asked, "Do you want to go to our kingdom?" Taehyung almost forgot that Jungkook was still in the room. Upon peeking to his side, Taehyung noticed that his younger brother's soul had already departed from his own body and had soon become lifeless.

It's okay, our cute, little protagonist, don't be afraid! It's all for you and your husband's sake!

Taehyung didn't sleep for the whole night, thus he waited until dawn. Upon hearing sounds outside and observing from his large window that Jungkook's men were finally getting ready, Taehyung grinned broadly, implying that Jungkook and his father were now having a departing conversation. After learning how to use the spatial magic from browsing books and other materials while he's waiting earlier, he traveled to Myung's room, which is below his floor, and dragged his sleeping body inside.

This kind of magic, known as spatial magic, can be used to teleport, but it can only carry you to the location you have already visited before. Thus, although Taehyung was not familiar with every location within the palace, the original Kim Taehyung was. Taehyung is also fortunate that this spell is simple to understand and use because, as he discovered earlier, this bitch only really has a small magical aura on his body, allowing him to perform spatial magic twice a day and start a small fire with his hands. This knowledge nearly drove him insane because what will he do to that small fire?! Even barbecuing isn't enough! He can, thankfully, always make use of the communication array.

Back to the topic, what is the aim of our little cannon fodder?

Taehyung felt that he should give the MC and ML another chance to meet since the initial tenderness and budding love between them were abruptly cut short. However, as Jungkook is now departing the palace and is unsure of when these two lovers will fall in love with each other, he made the decision to drag his brother into the ML with the justification that since the Prince of the West made an effort to come see us, the Princes of the East ought to do the same.

"Yes! Yes! Me and my brother, Myung, want to go with you! Can... we?" Taehyung's voice cracked up a little at the end upon seeing Jungkook's intense gaze at him. The glare from the male lead is so brilliant that it startled him but then, Taehyung abruptly turned to look to his right, thinking that perhaps Jungkook was staring at Myung and was eager for his darling to accompany him. Taehyung squealed with ecstasy once more at these delusional thoughts.

OMG! Jungkook, calm your tits down! Your lover isn't going anywhere!

"Of course, you two may stay in our nation also and be our guests, but only if your father authorizes it.” Prince Jungkook already agreed, so why can't their father?

"B-Bu— Fine! Fine! Your Highness Jungkook, please keep an eye out for these sons of mine, and send them back immediately if they did cause harm to your kingdom, especially that child Taehyung!” Taehyung inwardly rolled his eyes. Father, please prepare your heart because once we come back here, your younger son is already married to this peerless king Jungkook!

Now, Taehyung didn't know if this turn of event can be considered original since in the novel, the only one who went and visited the Western kingdom is Myung, because this older brother was traveling across the Northern area so when he came back and heard that his younger brother is currently in the west with his sweetheart, he just smiled and told his younger brother through his communication array that he must enjoy his vacation and take good care of himself, but his inner self is already booming with jealousy. So when the older brother heard that the now King Jungkook and his younger brother were going back again to the palace, his heart thumped happily because he'll see Jungkook again and wait many days for their return. However, his mind abruptly went into a panic state when he noticed that Jungkook and his brother were surrounded by an unexplained aura, like they were… in love?

But this older brother is now in possession of Kim the fudanshi Taehyung, who's excited to witness the live-action of the evolution of love between the MC and the ML since all their love blossoms in the Western kingdom.

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