A.P.W.B Dumbledore

Start from the beginning


"Just do what I say. Something is coming"

Kylie looked at me she saw how serious I was, she nodded and ran toward her room


"Why should we?" One of the boys asked

"You should listen to me if you don't want to die a painful death," I said to him and from the corner of my eyes I saw Blaise, Pansy and Theo

"That Jen girl told us" said Pansy "what happen?"

"Something is happening. I think death eaters are coming" I whispered so only they can hear. Their jaws dropped "please don't let anyone leave" they nodded

"Where are you going," Theo pulled me back

"YOU ALL HEARD HER. DON'T DARE TO LEAVE IF YOU VALE LIFE" I heard Pansy telling other Slytherin

"I can't let Draco do this" I whispered. Only Theo knows about me and Draco's task "but you will --" I cut him off "--die I know" with that I ran out of the common room.

The wind was blowing fast. My heart was beating super fast. First I went to the Room of Requirement and I saw the Vanishing Cabinet, open. They are here

I ran out. Dumbledore's office, yes Dumbledore must be there as I was running towards his office I saw Snaps walking in a different direction so I followed him. He was walking toward the Astronomy tower.

I took my wand out and saw Snape pointing his wand at someone. The person came to view, Harry Potter. Both Harry and Snape looked at me. They can clearly see how confused I look "what's happening--" I mumble. Snape put the figure on his lips to make me shut up. He pointed up and when I looked up my heart left my body. Draco standing there his wand pointed at Dumbledore. Aunt Bella and other death eaters were also there.

Snape left me and Harry there and he slowly went upstairs. I can hear Draco very clearly

"I have to do this, I have to kill you" he cried "or he's going to kill Y/n" I can feel Harry's eyes on me but I didn't look at him. My eyes were locked on Draco

"Can't you see, I was chosen for this" he lifted his sleeves and showed his mark "Do it Draco" Bellatrix whispered in his ears. He looked scared, he could never kill someone. He would never.

Dumbledore looked at me then back at Draco. I turn around to go upstairs but Harry grabbed my arm. I shook my head, tears in my eyes telling him to let me go. He slowly lost his grip and I slowly walked upstairs. Snape was standing right there

"No," said Snape and all of them turn to face us. Draco's eyes met mine and he looked shocked

"Look who decided to finally join us," said Bellatrix looking at me. She grab my wrist and harshly pulled me between her and Draco "great work Ciss" she whispered, her lips touching my ears. I looked down and saw Harry pointing his wand at Bellatrix, ready to cast a spell if she does something.

"Severus....please!" Dumbledore bagged. Snape slowly pointed his want at Dumbledore "Avada Kedavra" it all happened in slow motion. The spell hit him and Dumbledore fell off the Astronomy tower.

I gasped. Draco grabs my hand "come on" I felt numb. Draco was pulling me out otherwise I won't be moving. We followed Bellatrix to the great hall. She destroyed everything in there. She was walking on the top was the table and laughing like a crazy mental person.

Then we went out. To Hagrid's hut. What does she want from here? Bellatrix waved her wand and Hagrid's hut caught fire "was it necessary?" I shouted

"Fight back! Fight back you coward, fight back" I looked to my right and saw Snape and Harry. Harry was sending random spells toward Snape but Snape was not attacking back. Bellatrix send a spell which hit Harry and he fell to the ground "he belongs to the dark lord" Snape shouted and Bellatrix rolled her eyes and continued jumping

"Sectumsempra" Harry used it on Snape was easily blocked it "Don't you dare use my own spell against me. Yes I'm the Half-Blood Prince" that's why he knew what happen with Draco.

Snape was walking towards us. Draco grab my wrist and we followed Aunt Bella. Harry stood up and send a random spell at Snape but it doesn't hit him. The spell hit me, I fall to the ground and my head hit a pointed rock

"Y/n" Draco turn my head and saw blood coming out of my head. Draco looked horrified and I can see Snape walking toward us then everything went black.

This was the end of the sixth year. It has been a roller coaster ride for y/n.

• What do you think will happen next?

• Do you like it so far?

Only one more year and this story will be finished! 😭 but hey, I still have so much to write and you have to read.

Check out my other story 'Time Travel' if you haven't.

Thank youu

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