After dinner, I took a quick shower and put on a black "FAVELAS 74" Givenchy shirt, my black jeans and my creepers. Mars was already in bed with her pajama on and reading a book.

It was 10.32pm and I was completely ready to go. He'd probably only be home at midnight, but it's better if I went there first and warn him, so I bribed one of the guards to lend me the motorcycle.

"You're going with me." I said, pulling her. "Put these on." I grabbed a black outfit from her closet and handed it to her.

"What do you mean?" she asked while she grabbed the clothes and I smiled.


"Did you get it?" I asked, after explaining things to her for the second time.

"But why do I have to go with the motorcycle and you have to go in the car and switch when he get there?" she asked.

"Because that way I'll be with Scott." I said and she looked at me, confused. "It's just that no one can know. So I don't want them to see me and confuse you with me, okay? Here, hide your hair with this." I handed her a beanie.

"Who are "them"? She asked and I looked at her. "Mitch, what are you hiding from me?" I immediately shook my head.

"It's just that... I made a bet with a friend that if I ever went to Scott's house again I'd have to pay her £100. A bet is a bet, babe." I said, winking at her and praying she'd believe the lie. She then nodded. "Okay, then go." I said and she obeyed, leaving the house. A few minutes later, I heard the motorcycle engine being turned on and she drove away, disappearing. Then I heard another motorcycle and I realized I was right: someone was following me.

I put on my snapback and my sunglasses and quickly ran down the stairs, my gun on my belt as I quickly entered the car and looking around, checking if anyone was watching me.

"I'm not following, Mister." the driver said and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll grab the motorcycle in no time." I said, remembering that Mars would already be at the assigned place. "When Mars leaves the library, you'll get her and take her home. I'll be at a friend." I said, looking at his doubtful face.


"Did it work? Are you sure no one saw you?" Scott asked for the fourth time and I rolled my eyes.

"The guy fell for it, I called Mars and she told me there was a guy following her through every book shelf. It's fine." I said and he looked at me, nodding. "I went to Troye's house earlier today."

"WHAT? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" he yelled and I rolled my eyes. "You could've died!"

"Scott! Stop it, I can defend myself and Troye wouldn't do shit to me. I went there to see what he had to say." I crossed my eyes as he raised an eyebrow.

"Are you insane or something? He doesn't have anything to say. He's from a rival gang, ready to steal our business, what he wants is to get rid of us." he said.

"Did you and Ben think of something?" I asked and he nodded.

"It'll be at a nightclub. I know you'll want to participate so it'll have to be at night." he said, pulling me to sit closer to him. "Since Esther is the "correct" one, she'll pretend she ditched us to join them. She then will try to get with Troye, which most likely is the leader... and she'll try to find out some plans he has against us. Like every gang, when the leader gets the girl, they go out to celebrate. And that's when we'll finish them."

"That sounds so dangerous, Scott." I said and he looked at me, confused. "Esther will be in danger. How can you be sure it'll work out fine for her?" he rolled his eyes.

"There's no such thing as danger to us, Mitch. It's do or do, we're in this and we can't get out now, the only way out is try and succeed." he stood up and lit up a cigarette.

"And what's my part in that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ben came up with this idea."

"What idea?" I was curious.

"You! You'll be the one in charge of Troye's death!" he said and I bugged my eyes. "Remember that you agreed to everything, you said you weren't..."

"Afraid. I know. And I'm not." I looked at him when we heard a motorcycle pull over at the main gate. Scott quickly looked out the window and saw two guys climbing the gate, I ran downstairs and he followed me, quickly shooting his gun and hitting one of the tires.

We ran towards the guys, heading to the woods.

"RUN MITCH! THEY'RE SIVAN'S PEOPLE!" I buckled my snapback to my belt loop and put my hair on a top knot while Scott successfully tackled one of them. When I was close enough to the other guy, I tackled him down as well, straddling him, punching his face and looking at him. "Who sent you here, cunt?" Scott asked the guy, pointing his gun to his forehead.

"WAS IT SIVAN?" I asked, slapping the guy and he looked at me, enraged. "I don't like enraged babies." I said, ironic.

"You can kill me, I won't say a word." the guy Scott caught said.

"Oh I'll kill you, but I wanna know if it was him or not." Scott said, sliding his gun to the guy's eye.

"Yes! Yes it was!!" the guy I was holding said, making the other guy look at him, mad.

"Jacob sent us here." the other one said and I bugged my eyes at Scott.

"Jacob Sivan?!" Scott asked and the guy nodded.






I couldn't believe it.

"Jacob, Troye's father?!" I asked and he nodded. I was so distracted that before I knew it I had been pushed and the guy started running away as the other guy freed himself from Scott. "FUCK!" I yelled, enraged and I started running after them again. We got to a little river nearby and they jumped and saved themselves, but I had no choice. As I got to one of the rocks surrounding the river, I placed my leg on it and, aiming, I shot one of the guys in the back. I then hear another gunshot and literally see the other guy's head explode. I look back and Scott is behind me, smoke coming out of his gun.

"Do you think that guy'll make it?" I asked Scott.

"No way, this river is full of Caribbean fish." he said and I sighed, relieved. "Everything is turning against us, Mitch." he said and I looked at him. "You shot Jacob, he's alive!" he said, reminding me of it. "HE'S TROYE'S FATHER!"

"I DIDN'T KNOW!!!" I yelled back. "I never doubted he had a son out there doing what he does and turning everyone against me." I rolled my eyes. "That's why it was so fast."

"No, Mitch! If you told Troye about us, then we're even more fucked that we thought we were." he said and I looked at him. "The plan has to be executed now, we can't afford to wait." he said.


"Esther'll go as soon as the morning rises." he looked at me. "And you... you'll have to come back. Whether you want it or not."

He's not afraid (a Scott Hoying & Mitch Grassi fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now