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I stared at his pale blue eyes. 

Out of all of the shitty nights I've recently had, I didn't expect to hear something that would completely change my mood. 

He looked softly and caringly into my pale green eyes as I spoke. "I love you too," I said to him. He smiled and I did too. At this moment, if you could see our auras, they were a positive and vibrant color. 

He held me close as we fell asleep.


After waking up and getting ready for the day, JJ drove my car to John B's. We all sat on his porch and held effortless conversations until Sarah walked up onto the porch.

I quickly sat up and hugged her, since I was the first one to notice her. "Well, hello, princess," JJ said to her. I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Shouldn't you be on Figure Eight with your little group of polo players? Or did you break up with Topper?" John B asked sarcastically. 

I smacked his chest lightly. "Relax, John B." Sarah released a sardonic laugh as she walked past him. "We're just friends." She spoke as she moved past him. "He's just a friend. You have a lot of friends, Sarah Cameron." John B shared as she walked past him. 

"Yeah, and it seems like you've got some of your own too." Sarah retorted. John B sensed a fight coming on and he quickly dodged it by asking what she was doing at his place. She shared that she was there for Pope. 

"I think I found the Island room," Sarah said to Pope. We all shot up in surprise at her statement. We all then packed into John B's van and made our way over to Sarah's house, where she said the alleged Island room was. 

Sarah sat shotgun while John B drove. The two shared looks with each other while Pope shared information about the Cross. There seems to be some holy garment inside of it. It is believed that the garment heals the sick from any diseases. 

"Mmm, yeah. 'If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.'" JJ spoke summarized verses of the bible. We all looked at him very shocked since this was information that we didn't expect him to know. 

He looked around at all of us with confusion. "What? I went to Sunday school." JJ responded. "Really?" I asked him and he nodded. "Why do you seem so shocked?" He asked me and I shrugged. "Just didn't expect to hear that from you," I said with a laugh.

Pope began to explain that Limbrey probably wants the cross as badly as she does simply because she believes that the garment within it can heal her. Pope then read another quote that said that God would have his vengeance for stealing such sacred things and claimed his vengeance was the hurricane that sunk the ship in the first place. 

As we sat in silence with our thoughts for a moment, we arrived at Sarah's house. I was nervous to be here since I knew Rafe was free and roaming. My hands began to shake but JJ grabbed them. "You okay?" He asked caringly.

I nodded, but I answered vaguely. "Yeah, I'm okay," I said as we all stepped out of the car and walked into the house. Sarah led us to what she believed to be the alleged "Island Room" and we all entered. 

As we all took a look around, we knew she was right. This was the island room. The wallpaper was torn off of the walls and underneath it were drawings.

"Yo, this is a map of the whole island." John B said to the group. "Yeah, John B, I think you're right because this is Rixon's right here," JJ said as he pointed to a drawing on the wall. He then looked out of the window and saw the lighthouse represented on the wall.

Kie grabbed our attention next. "Guys, look, Parcel 9 and the well." John B began connecting the dots. "Okay, so, if that's Parcel 9, and then if that's Rixon's, then that's gotta be the surf break at Mase." He said as he and JJ approached that section of the wall.

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