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I had gotten up and ready for school.

I was wearing white skinny jeans, a light blue Columbia University hoodie, and white air forces. After placing my hair in a white hair claw and putting on my glasses, I grabbed my keys and bag and headed for my car. I got into my car, started it, and headed towards the school. 

When I was about three minutes away from school, I saw I was getting a call from Kie and I answered. "Hello?" I said. "Hey, you're on speaker." She said, basically warning me that JJ was in the car. "What's up?" I asked. 

"Well, we were wondering if you were gonna be at the bonfire tonight," Kie said. I sighed, remembering that was tonight. "Yeah, kinda have to," I said. "What do you mean you have to?" I heard Pope ask me. 

I cleared my throat before speaking. "Parents are back in town. Can't be home." I explained vaguely. I heard Kie slightly gasp. "What? Are you okay?" She asked. "Uh, yeah. I'll be all right." I answered. "That's bad, right?" I heard John B ask.

I laughed as I spoke. "Yeah. Them being back is bad." I answered. "You know you can crash at mine if you need to." John B offered. I heard a smacking sound and John B make an "ow" sound. Clearly, JJ had smacked him for offering to let me stay there.

Making a turn into the school parking lot, I found a spot and parked. "Thanks, John B. But I'll be all right. Just gotta avoid them." I said. "Okay, have a good day, Scar. We gotta head to class." Kie said into the phone. We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. 

I got out of my car and made my way into the building, heading to my locker. I unlocked it and placed my bag in there and grabbed a few books for my first few classes. "For you." I heard someone say and I turned around to see Topper holding an energy drink for me. 

I smiled as I took it. "How'd you know I needed this?" I asked as I cracked it open. "You're not a morning person. You always need it." He said and I nodded. "You're absolutely right, my friend," I said after taking a sip. 

We headed to our AP Bio class and took our seats. "You holding up all right?" Topper asked me. I shrugged. "As well as I can be. How's Sarah? She told me she stayed with you." I asked him. "She's devastated. But I think she's going to the bonfire tonight, so that's good. Are you going?" He asked me.

"I have to. Parents are back in town." I said and he sucked on his teeth. "How's that going?" He asked. "Weird. But it's bearable for now." I said. The teacher came in and handed out a pop quiz that thankfully, I was well prepared for. 


After putting all my books in my locker, I headed to my car to go home. 

I had a test in almost every class today and was stressed out. It made me glad that I could get drunk tonight. 

I started the car and made my way home. When I reached my house, I sat down at my kitchen table and did my homework so I wouldn't have to worry about it this weekend and could hopefully spend the weekend relaxing. 

After about two hours of work, I was finished and I knew I needed to shower before the bonfire. I hopped in the shower and then brushed my teeth. I walked into my room in a towel and saw Topper and Sarah sitting there. 

"Oh my god!" I shouted in shock. The two laughed. "Good! You're getting ready. What're you wearing?" Topper asked and I shrugged. "Probably jeans and a hoodie," I answered. "Jeans and a hoodie?" The two asked in shock. 

Sarah wore a confused look. "You usually get all cute and dressed up for the bonfires." She said. "I know, but I'm not feeling that this year," I said as I looked through my closet and saw JJ's hoodie on the hanger. 

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