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I woke up to someone shaking me awake. "Hmm." I groaned before opening my eyes to see Kie standing above me and JJ in my doorway. "You really need to learn how to lock your door at night," Kie said with a smile.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes before putting my hair up. "What's up?" I asked her. "We're heading over to John B's. You said you wanted to help." JJ said nonchalantly. I stood up and went over to my closet to grab a change of clothes. 

"Oh shit, sorry. We'll wait outside." Kie said. I looked at her with confusion. "What?" I asked her. She pointed at what I was wearing. I was wearing a cami tank top and lace panties. "Oh, it's fine I don't care. There's food in the fridge if you wanna wait while I shower." I said to them. 

JJ shook his head, "No. We're gonna head o--" JJ started but Kie cut him off. "We'll wait!" Kie said with a smile. I looked between the two then headed to the bathroom to shower. After brushing my teeth and showering. I left the bathroom and into my room to change. 

I saw that the original outfit I had put on my dresser wasn't there anymore, but instead, another outfit was lying out on my now-made bed. Kie came into my room and smiled at me. 

She had picked out white high-waisted straight-leg jeans, a pale green cami crop top, and my custom-made Air Force 1's with the same color of green on the check. "This is a very... soft and sweet outfit," I said at a loss for words. I usually wore darker-colored outfits.

"Come on! It brings out your eyes." She said. I knew it would. I have a lot of pale green shirts for that reason. "You don't have time to pick another one out anyway." She said as she left my room. I quickly changed into the outfit and finished getting ready with a couple more finishing touches.

I walked into the kitchen and saw the two standing at the counter, finishing their cereal. "We ready?" Kie asked and I nodded as I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone. "Oh shit, one sec," I said as I went into the laundry room. 

Kie grabbed my keys from the table and offered to go out and start the car and I accepted. I walked out of the laundry room after grabbing JJ's sweater from the dryer and folding it. "JJ?" I said and he turned around. "What?" He asked with a sigh. 

I handed him the hoodie and he looked between me and the sweater for a moment. "I thought you'd probably want it back. I washed it and everything so... here." I said with a smile. "Really?" He asked me very plainly. 

I shot him a confused look. "I don't want it back, Scarlett." He said to me. "It doesn't smell like me or anything. Just smells like... clean laundry." I said with a light laugh to break the awkward tension. 

He took the sweater and put it down on the table in my living room. "I don't want it back." He said as he started walking away. "Why not?" I asked him. "It's your sweater," I stated. He quickly turned back around and approached me.

"Because I don't want to have a constant reminder of you around me." He said angrily. "I don't wanna see it and think about you wearing it. I don't wanna wear it and smell your fucking fabric softener. I don't wanna wear it and think about how you wore it when you kissed me." He said with sad eyes.

"I already can't stop thinking about you. I don't need another thing that reminds me of you." He said calmly as he looked me in my eyes. I took a breath before speaking. "What if I don't want another reminder of you either?" I said to him. He looked a bit taken aback by my question.

He shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe you can give it to Rafe." He said as he walked out of the house and to my car. I usually would defend myself, but I deserved his snarky remarks. I deserved to feel like shit because of what I did to him. 

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