Ch. 14 morning sickness

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No one P. O. V.
2 weeks pregnant

The next morning...

Reyna woke up feeling nauseous as all living hell. She tried to ignore the feeling but her body had other plans. It wasn't long before she was running into the bathroom to throw up everything in her stomach. After a few minutes of violently coughing and wrenching Reyna felt a hand on back and one pulling back her hair. She instantly flinched but calmed when she heard her fiancés voice. "It's ok Darling, it's just me." Devon whispered in her ear. He pulled Reyna's hair back into a loose ponytail and continued rubbing her back. "It's alright Darling, just let it out." He tried to comfort her. "I'm already done with this whole, morning sickness thing." She moaned. Devon smiled and said, "Don't worry Babe, it'll be over soon."

Well soon never happened. 25 minutes went by and Reyna was still throwing up, sadly there wasn't anything left in her stomach so it was very painful. She gripped her stomach in pain as her muscles contracted trying to force the nonexistent food out of her stomach. It would've been 10 times worse but Devon had been continuously making her drink water so that there was at least something to throw up and she wasn't just violently gagging. Along with this, the stomach pains Reyna has been having where coming on strong. Another 5 minutes went by before Nico came in to see if there was anything he could do to help. But sadly, there wasn't much he could do other than be there for emotionally support.

15 minutes and nothing had changed. Nico had grabbed a pillow and a few blankets so Reyna could lay down for bit before she started throwing up again. He also laid his army jacket over her shoulders to attempt at keeping her warm. " hurts..." She groaned. "What hurts, babe?"

Reyna didn't answer and laid down on the little blanket pallet Nico made for her. Nico crouched in front of her, moving a few loss strands of hair out of her face. "Cosa fa male sorella?" (Where does it hurt sis?) Nico asked. "il mio stomaco e la mia gola.." (My stomach and throat...) "Vedo se riesco a trovare degli antidolorifici." (I'll see if I can find some painkillers.) Reyna nodded and snuggled into the blankets, trying to stay warm. Nico and Devon shared a sad glance before Nico got up and went to get some painkillers. Devon laid on the ground next to Reyna and held her as close as he could to his body, gently rubbing her stomach as she continued to whimper in pain.

"I hate this," Reyna sighed. "It hurts."

"I know it hurts Darling, just hang in there."

"Which ever god or goddess invited morning sickness, they fucking suck."

Devon would have laughed if it wasn't for his fiancée being in so much pain. Nico walked back into the bathroom and crouched down in front of Reyna, handing her the pain meds. "Ecco sorellina, questo dovrebbe aiutare." (Here sis, this should help.) "grazie Nico." (Thank you Nico.)

She downed the meds and almost instantly fell asleep against Devon, which worried him. "Rey Darling?" He lightly shook her, "Reyna?!" "Relax." Nico spoke up, leaning back against the cabinets. "I gave her melatonin along with the pain killers." "Did you just drug my pregnant fiancé??" He questioned. "No! I just gave her something to help her sleep for a bit...without her knowledge."

"So you drugged her?" Devon said again.

"It's just some melatonin. Completely harmless to her and the baby." Devon raised an eyebrow, still not totally ok with this.

"Did you really want to have to 'you need to rest' fight with her?" Nico asked, starting to pick up the blankets and pillows off the floor.

"Ok, fair enough." Devon sighed, standing up with Reyna sleeping peacefully in his arms. "Go ahead and get her into bed, I'll finish up here." Nico told him. "Way ahead you!" Devon yelled, already walking back into there bedroom.

~~~~~~~~~~~Few hours later~~~~~~~~~~

Reyna P. O. V.

Well, that was the worst morning of my life. It took me a few moments to process that I was back in my own room and not on the bathroom floor. A couple of thick blankets draped over me with my dogs laying on either side on me. Even with this, I was absolutely freezing! I looked at the clock on the wall, 2:30. Half my day already gone and I've done nothing but sleep and throw up. I honestly contemplated going back to sleep, but my pregnancy had other ideas as pain shot across a lower abdomen. Aurum moved up and laid his head on my belly while Aurgentum went to most likely find Devon or Nico.

So stomach pains probably caused by stress, mental episodes, more than a hour of morning sickness today, waking up completely freezing and weak, all within the span of less than 12 hours; why do that gods hate me!?  "Rey Darling?" Devon walked into the room, being practically dragged by Aurgentum. "Hi my love." I said weakly. He walked around to the edge of our bed and sat next to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked, his voice full of concern. "Weak and cold. My stomach started hurting again."

"Do you want me to get you more pain killers?" He asked, rubbing my belly. I shock my head, "No, just keep rubbing my belly. It feels good." "Ok." He smiled. "How's the little jellybean doing?" "Jellybean?" I asked chuckling. "What, you like jellybeans and the baby is as small as one, why not call it that?" "I like it," I smile at him. "It's cute. She it's doing fine as far as I can tell." "That's good to hear."

"Can you lay with me plz?" "Of course darling."

No one P. O. V.

Devon climbed into bed behind Reyna, continuing to rub her stomach as she snuggled closer to him. "Are you still nauseous?" Devon asked. "A little. But I think I'm ok for now." "Alright."

"Hey Devon?" "Yeah?"

"Can we move the wedding up to may instead of October?" Reyna asked.

Devon looked at her confused and asked. "why do you want to move it up?"

"Cause I really don't want to deal with being heavily pregnant during the wedding. Or having to try and rapidly lose the baby weight before hand. Plus I'll only be 4 months pregnant by then, so I won't be showing to much yet." Reyna explained. Devon has no issues with Reyna waking down the isle heavily pregnant, nor did he think that she would have to lose the baby weight. To him it didn't matter. All he wanted to do was marry her. But he knew something like this was impossible to her so he agreed. "Alright. We'll move it up to may." He kissed her forehead. "Thank you Devon." "You're welcome."

Reyna was ready to curl back up and sleep, but her fiancé can't shut up. "You know the Venus and Aphrodite kids are going to be up your ass now, right? With you moving up the wedding and being pregnant and all." "Yeah I know." Reyna sighed tiredly. "Can we talk about this later my love, I'm still really tired?" "Of course my Darling." Devon pulled the blankets up to Reyna shoulders, gently stroked her hair which put her to sleep. "Sleep well my Darling Reyna."

Devon laid with her for a good 2 hours and just kept looking at Reyna's stomach, thinking about the child growing within his fiancée womb. In 3 months they would be married, than about 6 more after that, they would have there first child. It was almost to good to be true.

Loving a mortal. A Reyna x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now