Ch. 4 Meeting Family

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Yeah so I didn't know much about PTSD or PTSD episodes so don't come for me plz. I'm dumb. So triggered warning ⚠️

7 months later...

(Recap of everything that happened in that time)

Reyna and Devons relationship had greatly improved and her friends loved him. Her sister, didn't wish him dead, so that was good. Her dogs had basically adopted him as there dad. Devon liked to bug her by not fixing his hair, or at least brushing it, and while it drove her crazy, she did find it kinda cute.

Nico, Percy, Leo, Frank, and Devon all got a long great! They loved hanging out with each other. Doing pranks, competition, double, triple or even quadruple dates; it was great! Jason on the other hand, well, they didn't get off to a good start. Devon had heard about the way Jason used to treat her from Nico and was not happy about it. So immediately after meeting Jason, Devon punched him in the face. He's not a violent person, but this pissed him off. Devon yelled at him, "how could you even dare to show your face around her! After all the emotional shit you put her through!" They never got along after that.

Reyna also learned that Devon can be VERY scary when he needs to be. He had a little reading corner in her office that you couldn't see when you first walk in. So when ever someone barges into Reyna's office demanding something or just yelling, he creeps up behind them and creepily asks "Want to repeat that?" Then they leave in fear.

Another time, a first legion camper thought they could get away with insulting Reyna behind her back, Devon wasn't have it. He doesn't yell or scream, which makes him more scary. He grabbed them by there shirt and calmly but terrifyingly told them "If you keep it up, I'll shove my spare so far down there throats, you'll be shitting iron at the gates of Hades." Then let them go.

Reyna was also very adamant about teaching Devin to sword fight. Since he's an army brat, he knows most hand to hand combat, gun control, and use of other weapons. But swords, spears and shields were a first for him. He picked up on it rather quickly but was still rusty. Reyna could and has easily kicked his ass.

Devon had gotten into the new Rome college via a scholarship, but only cause he was dating the Praetor. This was a one time thing though! He would never take advantage of Reyna like that.

He was majoring in photography and currently worked at the Hot Topic in new Rome to earn some cash. Reyna got paid to be Praetor, to her surprise, so Devon decided to get some shit done.

In all honesty, Reyna didn't know she was being paid until during a senate meeting, they told her she was getting paid once she turned 18. So she was getting $500,000 salary! And for the past 9 months she was getting paid $240 an hour, she didn't even know it! Frank was a lower rank but he got about a $450,000 salary.

Percy and Annabeth had gotten married 3 months ago and were just getting back from there honeymoon. Nico and Will were currently engaged but weren't getting married till both were 18. Yes they were all a bit young to be married and or engaged but when your a demigod, you don't have much time to wait.

Jason and Piper  well, let's just say there relationship wasn't doing so well. They broke up almost 5 months ago! They were always fighting and could never getting along anymore so they broke things off. Jason went back to school, trying to live a normal life. They hadn't talked in awhile, but it was good for them to have a break.

Yeah a lot had happened in the last few months. Now back to the present!!

Devon and Reyna were traveling to Atlanta Georgia so Reyna can meet Devons family for the first time. He sees her family every day, it was her turn. It's not like she didn't want to meet them, she did. She had been begging Devon to meet his family for months now. He was just worried.

Loving a mortal. A Reyna x OC storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu