Ch. 9 ICU

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I don't want to hear it in the comments about how this wouldn't actually happen or work or anything like that! I'm honestly to lazy to do any research on this crap. So any medical crap you read in this is probably not even close to accurate.

Reyna was quickly taken into the ICU once they reached the hospital. Her liver, kidneys and heart were fried and she was gonna need all new ones to live. Along with a massive blood transfusion and skin graph.

Reyna has no living family other than Hylla and she wouldn't get here in time for a blood transfusion and kidney transplant. Reyna also has a rare blood type so finding donors was gonna be hard. She had to be put in a clean room because of how bad the burns were, they could easily be infected. Plus with 3 of her vital organs been fried, there was a very slim chance she would make it. She had been put on life support which would give her a bit more time but not much. Devon, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Will, Leo, Calypso and many others we're getting tested to see if they were a match; they needed 3 people to be a match and so far the only 100% they know of is Hylla.

7 hours passed and so far Leo was the only match. They sadly couldn't take everything they needed from him, only his blood. He was born with one kidney so that was out, and Reyna needed a whole new liver and heart so there's that problem. Pretty much everyone one in camp was trying to save her. Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Will, Leo, Calypso were all in the waiting room, hoping to hear any news that could save her. Devon was standing outside her room in front of the glass that separated them since he couldn't physically be with Reyna. "Are you ok?" Devon turned to see Annabeth walking up to him. "No. I want Jason dead." He said bluntly. "I can't say I blame you. How are you holding up?" "Not great, I don't want to lose her. She's my life, I can't imagine a life without her." He choked up. "Now you know how most demigods feel when there loved one goes off on dangerous quests."

He glared at her, not in the mood to hear it. "Sorry, not the time." "Hey!" Percy came jogging up the hallway towards to two. "Hylla just got here and I'm pretty sure she's about to kill someone." Percy and Annabeth went back to the group. "What the hell happened to my sister!?" Hylla started yelling that them. "It's kinda hard to explain. But long story Reyna got hurt, is probably about to die, and needs like 3 or 4 different organ transplants to survive and probably a skin graph. Most everyone in camp has been tested but so far you and Leo are the only two with her same blood type." "How the hell did she get that badly hurt where she fucking needs whole new organs!!" No one wanted to answer. They knew well and good that Hylla would not hesitate to kill Jason if she knew what happened.

"Jason shot her with a lightning bolt then she fell back into molten medal, burning her entire arm, shoulder and shoulder blade. The lightning fried her heart liver and kidneys." Devon had walked up the hallway and had no issues ratting out Jason. Hylla could barely say anything she was so mad. "Where is he? And where is my sister!?" Devon lead her and the rest of the group to her room. Most of them hadn't seen her yet and where understandably shocked when they saw her hooked up the dozens of tubes, cords and wires keeping her alive. "I'm gonna kill Jason!" Hylla exclaimed before walking off. "Hey! Wait up!" Annabeth and Hazel stood in front of her. "Look you have ever right to want Jason dead. But you can't kill him yet." "Give me one good reason why I can't?" She was pissed.

"Cause Reyna can't stay on life support forever. You and Leo are so far the only two with her blood type. Leo can't donate any organs, just his blood. At this moment, you're all we got. And until they find a dead  person that's a match, we don't very many options." Annabeth tried to reason with her. Hylla was still furious but Reyna was her little sister, she couldn't let her die. "Fine, I'll hold off on killing him to help my sister." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Will took her to get prepped for the transplant while everyone else stayed and yelled at Devon. "What the fuck man!" Piper yelled. "What!?" "Look I know your mad at Jason but seriously!! You know Hylla would kill him given the chance. If it wasn't for the fact her sister was about to die, Jason would be on a one way trip to Hades!" She yelled.

Loving a mortal. A Reyna x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now