Ch. 10 Answers

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Two weeks later...

Reyna was finally getting out of the hospital, much to her delight. Her and Devon were able to leave that morning with just some instructions on how to handle the burns and crap like that. Sadly, even though she gets to leave, she's still is on recovery for another 5 to 6 weeks so her burns and stitches could fully heal. So 3 weeks in the hospital then 5 to 6 more weeks of recovery and doing nothing, not easy for someone with ADHD. And Reyna had painfully learned what her doctor meant when he told her about the ticking. Randomly and without warning, she would start to jerk her head to the side or back, start snapping her fingers and/or making a fist and hitting the side of her head, her arms would jerk inward, to the side or just like she was trying to pinch something, and her whole body would be lightly shaking and she would make small clicking sounds. Her breathing would become very labored and to a point it would almost sound as if she was sobbing/screaming.

It wouldn't have been so bad if the tics were so violent and if she still wasn't healing. Devon had done his best to comfort her through the fits but there wasn't much he could do except just hold her and make sure she doesn't hurt herself. And they couldn't predict when the fits would come on cause they were very random and they never lasted the same amount of time. They've lasted from only 5 minutes to almost a full day! It was absolute torture and they could do nothing about it except wait for the fits to stop and hope Reyna doesn't accidentally hurt herself further in the process. On top of all that she still had her flare ups to deal with, which as you can imagine, sucked! All her burns would start to feel like actually fire was on them and she would have the feeling of her flesh melting off. So yeah, hurt like hell. And like her tics there wasn't much that could be done except wait it out. Well, ok there is one thing they could do, basically Devon would just wrapped a cool towel around the burn to cool her down a bit and pull her into his arms until the burning stopped. This was absolute hell for her and really nothing could be done to stop it, even ambrosia and nectar didn't help.

They loaded up into Reyna's truck and were heading home but Reyna had a different idea. "Hey can we drive by the New Rome jail?" Devon asked confused, "Why?" Her looked said everything; Devons eyes widened in anger. "No! Absolutely not! Not gonna happen!" "Devon just listen—" "No! Your not going anywhere near that man Reyna. He almost killed you!" "That's the point!" She yelled. "It's not like Jason to attack his friends, I want answers." Devon was gonna argue but Reyna spoke first.
"My love please! I'm the only one can't remember what happened and I was the one who got attacked! Everyone has told me there side of what happened except Jason. Maybe if I hear what he has to say about it, it could trigger my memory." "Or it will trigger your PTSD or possibly a ticking fit! Or worse he could try and kill you again!" He snapped. "Reyna I love you and I know you want the truth but no, no I can't risk it. Rey Darling I'm sorry, we're not doing it."


"I can't believe we're doing it." Devon stood crossed armed in front of the jail, leaning on the hood of there truck. "Please wait out here for me. I promise I'll be quick." Reyna pleaded with her boyfriend. "You think I'm letting you go in there alone, wow you do have brain damage." "Devon-" He cut her off. "I won't go in the cell with you but I'm not letting you go in that building alone. I'm only going in case something happens." Reyna had a love/hate relationship with Devon when it came to the fact that he had a reason for everything. "Fine." Everyone nodded to her out of respect. "Good to see you're up and alright Praetor." One of the guards said to her. "Like wise. I'm here to see Jason Grace." The guards tensed up at her request. "Is there a problem?" She snapped. "Uh no! No problem at all praetor. Follow me." The guard led Reyna and Devon down to the holding cells, passing many other criminals who began to cower in fear once they saw her. Walking passed all them, and heading down into a basement like area where the more powerful demigods are kept. He stopped in front of a large iron door.

Loving a mortal. A Reyna x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now