Ch. 7 Weird incounter

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(This chapter is pretty weird and random, so bare with me. I asked my friend for ideas and this is what we came up with)

2 months later..

3rd P.O.V.

"Hey Devon!" Devon looked up from his homework to see Piper and Leo running towards him. "Hey Pipes. Hey Leo. What's up?" They sat down across from him with weird smiles on there faces. "What's with the weird looks?" "Have you ever called Reyna R.A.R.A?" Leo bluntly asked. "What?" Devon asked confused. "So that's a no." "Wait what are you two talking about??"

The two looked at each other with a sly grin, then back at Devon. Piper, in her best Aphrodite kid voice said "Oh nothing. It's just an old nickname we thought you would want to know about. Something to think about." Leo and Piper got up and ran off. Devon sat there dumbfounded. "What was that about?" He asked himself, going back to his homework.

Later on..

Devon was chilling in the Principia with Reyna, waiting for her to finish the damn paperwork that was stacked on her desk. He looked up from his book at her, "might as well see what that nickname is about." He thought. "Hey RaRa, what sounds good for dinner tonight?" Reyna looked up from her laptop with a look that could kill. "What did you just call me?" She asked. "Uh..RARA?" She shot up from her desk and looked pissed. "Where the hell did you hear that name?" She sounded pissed. "Maybe this wasn't a good idea." Devon thought. "Ummm.." He didn't want to tell her, he wasn't sure what she would do to Piper and Leo.

"Devon! Unless you want to sleep in the unicorn stables tonight you'll tell me where you heard that name!" "Piper and Leo told me! They said it was an old nickname I should try out! I'm sorry, plz don't kill me!" He blurted out. "They are so dead." She said gritting her teeth. Reyna grabbed her phone and called Nico. Asking him to come get her, now. Within seconds Nico shadow traveled into her office. "So what's going on? You sounded mad?" He asked. "All you need to know is I'm going to kill Leo and Piper." Nico looked over at Devon who looked utterly terrified of his girlfriend.

"One trip to Camp Half Blood, got it." Nico and Reyna shadow traveled off leaving Devon worried, confused and kinda scared all at the same time. Devon had no idea what his girlfriend was up to or what Piper and Leo put him to, but he didn't like it. He sat there not knowing what else to do for 2 hours before Reyna and Nico came back. Reyna's hair was a mess, beads of sweat dripped down her forehead and her clothes were torn and covered in ash. Devon shot up and gripped Reyna's shoulders tightly.

"What happened to you! Are you ok! Your a mess! Oh and plz tell me you didn't kill anyone!" He turned to Nico. "Plz tell me she didn't kill anyone!" "Devon!" Reyna yelled. "Chill!" He let go of her a backed up a bit. "Sorry. But plz tell me that there still alive."
Reyna rolled her eyes. "Yes there still alive! I'm not that crazy. There just kinda, sorta, beaten up." She said awkwardly."Reyna!" He shouted. "Let's forget about it for rights now, ok?" she said before thinking of a random thing that she remembered, ADHD is great like that "Hey, you wanted to meet Hedge right? Let's go do that!" Reyna gripped Devons hand, running out of her office to find Hedge. "Hold on a second! We're not done talking about this! What happened, wow!?" Devon couldn't questions while being dragged into the dining hall.

Reyna stoped and let go of his arm. "Gleeson come here a minute." Reyna called. Devon looked around the hall, he didn't see anyone he hadn't seen before. "What are we doing here? No one new is here?"  Devon was so lost in thought he didn't realize Reyna had walked off. "Hey! Hey! Hey you!" He was brought back to reality and looked around to see who was calling him. "Down here stupid!" He looked down to see an angry Satyr with a baseball bat standing in front of him.

(Y'all remember, Devon is 6 feet! And Hedge is only 5' so he's short. So him not seeing Hedge is justified.)

"What the heck?!" Devon thought looking at Hedge. He looked up and saw Reyna playing with a small child in her arms. "Baby satyr, kinda cute." Reyna looked at Devon and smiled. "Hey! I'm talking to you buddy!" Hedge yelled poking at Devon. "Hey! What gives man?" "Look, I don't know you which means, I don't like you and I don't care if your Reyna's new guy. She's my kid and I gotta make sure your not some player who gonna drop her when you feel like it." Devons eyes widen in shock. "Is he for real!?!" Does he actually think I'll hurt her?"

Loving a mortal. A Reyna x OC storyWhere stories live. Discover now