Chapter 1: Survivor

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Jaydens POV:

Jayden woke up that morning thinking about Herschel and the Greene family. After seeing the fire and smoke pillow up from the direction of their farm, she had lost hope for their survival. In fact she had lost hope months ago. When she returned from a run into the city she went to meet Otis in the woods for their hunting trip. When he was a no show she ventured to the farm.

As she made her way through the woods she stopped suddenly at the sight of a disoriented looking man stumbling through the woods. He had ears hanging from around his neck and an arrow in his side. He stumbled into the pasture of the Greene farm failing to notice the woman to his right. She followed silently behind him making sure to keep her distance. She made sure to stay in the underbrush when a group of men holding guns and other weapons came running in their direction.

Jayden kneeled on the ground as to not be seen as the group finally rounded on the man. She pulled out her hand gun, something that was second nature to her. She couldn't see much of the group in front of her and she could not risk moving. It would give away her position. She had clear sight of the injured man and another burly looking man held a revolver at him.

"That's the third time you've pointed that thing at my head." He growled. "You gonna pull the trigger or what?"

The burly looking man lowered his gun, for a second silence enveloped the group. That was until a shot rang out sending the injured man to the ground. Jayden bolted from her spot back in the direction of her house. She wasn't sure if they saw her or not but she knew her way through these woods better than anyone. Even if they did see her they wouldn't be able to find her.

She ran her hands through her hair that incident was months ago. She hasn't gone back to the farm since. Her best guess is that a group came along and killed the Greene family and took over residence on the farm.

Getting up, she opted to skip out on a shower today. Instead she went for the dry shampoo she had miraculously found in a store yesterday. As she looked in the mirror she noticed she had bled through the bandage on her bicep. Peeling it away she saw the outline of a bite mark beneath the blood and infection that still lingered. She had finally got the infection of the wound to heal, without Herschel's checkups Jayden often forgot about her wounds leaving them to get infected.

She pulled out the rubbing alcohol and began to clean the wound, hissing through her teeth at times. When she was sure she had cleaned it the best she could, she rebandaged it. The fever from the bite finally broke a few days ago. She didn't turn, again. She should be happy she isn't dead yet or turning into one of the walkers, but not knowing if it is going to happen is what scares her the most. It's why she chooses to isolate herself.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she scans over the scars from the bites and scratches she had endured the last few months. Putting her head down and facing away, she pulled on a blue, long sleeve turtleneck. In Georgia, she would normally sweat like a pig with her clothing choices, but she had a nice break from the heat as winter approached. She then grabbed her tags and hung them around her neck, a few extra hung from a separate chain. They belonged to some of the men in her unit, the ones she couldn't save. She grabbed that chain as well and placed it on her neck. Tucking them into her shirt, she walked out of the room grabbing her M110A1 SDMR (Squad Designated Marksman Rifle). She placed it around her shoulders and grabbed a protein bar along with a water bottle. She climbed up the ladder and opened the latch to her "guards tower" placing herself in a position to watch out for anyone or anything to cross her path.


POV Rick's Group:

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