Chapter five (unmasking)

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Isabella's pov

Right now I am at commentary with my dad watching rey and dominik take on dolph ziggler and robert roode, of course my dad is talking shit perusal but I'm not focused on that I'm focused on watching rey and dominik's match, and every once in a while I see him look over at smile at me "now isabella tell me do you regret saving dominik and rey last week at all?" I hear corey ask as I look at him like he's lost his mind.

"Of course she does don't you isabella?" My dad says as I scoff "Are you kidding me? First off don't speak for me second of all to answer your question absolutely not I don't regret it I'd do it again in a heart beat" I say smiling confidently going back to watching the match, dominik rolls roode up to the cover 1 2 3 amd they win I can't help but clap for them, standing up I see dolph hit dominik in the back of the head as rey chases him out of the ring, to chase after him but my dad hits him with his arm knocking him down.

"Really?" I say throwing my hands up as I see him lean down and grip on to rey's mask and I know what he's about to do "dad dad hey no no no don't you dare don't you dare" I say pointing at him but he ignores me starting to pull it off I look away to be respectful "oh now this is just too far" I hear cole say as I look at him "you think? DAD HOW COULD YOU?!" I yell quickly taking off my hoodie covering his face with it "if I want the respect I take it!" My dad yells as I ask for a mic.

"Dad this is so highly disrespectful and taken too far, this is a new low for you never did I ever think you would go this far, but your the miz so of course you would go this far I honestly can't believe you are actually my father" I say dropping the mic shaking my head leaving him stunned and in shock just standing on the ramp, I lean down helping dominik and rey up and back into the ring as I hold dominik's face tending to him, "are you ok?" I ask as he nods looking at me placing his hand on top of mine, I then look at my dad then back at dominik then back at my dad again smirking he looks at me confused as I turn back to dominik pulling him into a kiss.

"Oh my god she's kissing him in front of the miz, is she crazy?!" I hear corey shout as I see my dad holding his head in shock and anger, I feel dominik kiss back as I pull away placing my forehead against his as I watch my dad walk out backwards to backstage, I'm probably gonna be in a lot of shit of this but who cares.

                   *later on the plane ride home*

"And then she kissed him in front of me honey, no I'm not kidding you, yes you can talk to her isabella" I put my hand up stopping him from talking any farther "I don't want to talk to mom right now, and no I don't regret kissing him in front of you" I say turning back forward in my seat "isabella this behavior is not acceptable, idk why you have been acting like this but it needs to stop" he says as I cross my arms rolling my eyes "no" I say chuckling as he hangs up the phone on mom "what did you just say" he says leaning towards me in his seat "did I stutter? Do I have to spell in out for you n-o no" I say pulling my headphones out of my bag.

"W-what do you mean isabella?" he asks me as I put my headphones in "I mean no, you wanna hear it in spanish? no i am grown adult get over it" I say as I turn some music on not to loud but just so I don't have to hear him talking anymore, I hear my phone buzz as I look down seeing dominik texted me and I smile form ear to ear.

Dominik: thanks again for helping my dad you have been amazing ❤️

Me: No worries my dad is just an asshole and I just couldn't take seeing you  or your dad go through what everyone else has or had to go through.

Dominik: Why? In your dads eyes I am a bad person

Me: Not to me because...I...I love you  ❤️ 💜 I always have ever since the day I met you, I was just always so nervous to walk up and talk to you cause I just never knew what to say.

My hand shakes as I hit send afraid of what his reply is gonna be, I feel my phone buzz as I look down reading the text.

Dominik: Wow really? I never knew isabella and the truth is well I've been feeling the same way when I first saw you and met you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world you took my breath away when you walked in the door, what I am trying to say is...I love you too isabella ❤️💙💜.

I smile when I read the text as I hug phone to my chest feeling happy that he also feels the same way, I look over seeing my dad posing for selfies with reys mask as I roll my eyes in disgust going back to music, he says that he's gonna give it to logan so he can customize it ha over my dead body he will, if logan so even tries to touch the mask I'll kick him in the mouth so hard he's gonna be shitting his teeth for a month.

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