Part 31

54 4 18

Saturday 10:22 AM

I followed along in the little Maserati. It was cute and quick and smelled like a cheerleader, but I didn't fit in the damn thing. I couldn't figure out how to turn on the air conditioner, so I just had the windows down, which caused the wind to buffet something terrible. Still, it was worth it not to be choked with the smell of baby powder and whatever sweet cologne Sasha had used that impregnated the interior.

I thought I knew where the bank was Joy had in mind. I did too. Even though she offered the terse explanation of 'I made a deal,' for the life of me, I could never figure out why we were giving the car up. I mean, how could she think she could trust this woman? Even if her info panned out, was it really worth giving up the car? I was led to believe we would need to sit on this for a while due to it technically being stolen property. Still, now here I was driving this wedgie on wheels to leave at a safe spot for pickup by the somewhat nefarious owner. Unreal.

Traffic between us cleared, and I saw where she pulled in. Sure enough, it was a busy bank, a real public and safe spot for this sort of thing. Joy had her reasons for her actions; she always seemed to anyway. I just knew I couldn't let this one go. I pulled the Maserati into the space on her right, pried myself out of the seat, and then stretched. The late morning air was noticeably cooler that day, giving us a nice break from the relentless Georgia humidity.

Joy appeared from around her Jeep, holding out her hand for the keys. I gladly handed them over. She put them into a small black plastic bag with a note, sealed it, peeled the back of the bag off, and handed me the refuse.

She looked around us quickly, then dropped to her knees, then her stomach rolled on her back and scooted under the car. I just stood there watching. She was only under there for a few seconds. I reached for her hand when she wiggled out. Joy took my hand. I hefted her to her feet.

"That's common. Those bags can't be seen, they stick under the frame, and they are hell to come off once set up. She's familiar with them."

"Learn something new every day, don't we?" I answered.

Joy was in a mood. I damn sure was too. She didn't even banter with me; she just got back in the Jeep and started it up. I climbed in and buckled up; no telling where this would go, especially if I told her what was on my mind. There was no sense in holding back, though.

"You sure this is a good idea?" I asked as innocently as I could muster.

"No, I'm not sure of anything right this second eccept that I'm going down here to Fred's to get a chili cheese and slaw dog."

I must have had a puzzled look on my face. Joy glanced at me, then came back with another answer.

"No, I'm not sure. If none of Sahsa's info pans out, we'll come back and pick it up ourselves. I've got two more cars with her info we can pick up today, leaving us with just two more after. I think it was worth the risk."

"Look," I said defensively, "I'm not arguing with you."

She cut me off.

"Yes, you are, Nick. You've had a bug up your ass ever since I told you to shove off at breakfast this morning."

Her voice revealed frustration, but she was not shouting, not yet anyway.

"Well, do you blame me, Joy? One minute I'm your partner, and you want me around, then this chick sits down and starts talking, and you tell me to take a hike. What gives?"

My words were not as calmly delivered as hers.

"Look, Nick, I told you that stuff I needed to tell you this morning. I didn't want you to hear everything. Sasha and I have a past, and that's a past I don't care to visit. I'll never revisit it when this shit is over and done."

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