Part 27

46 4 13

Friday 5:15PM

I had only been in the hot water for a minute it seemed letting my mind drift away in whiskey soaked thoughts. I found the bar of soap in the built in dish on the wall and started washing my arms.

I heard the glass door open and then felt Joy's warm embrace from behind, her arms were around my chest squeezing me gently like she was getting me used to the feel of her body.

"Here, better let me do that," she said taking the soap from my hand and wetting a washcloth.

She wrapped the soap inside and began with my left arm scrubbing gently as she went. She steadied me then just pushed me back against the cold tile wall while she continued her scrubbing of my chest and shoulders. I watched her diligently working, her hair getting soaked and falling gently into even darker shades of brown as it lay stuck across her shoulders and down her back. She was pleasing from head to toe. Slowly I put my arms onto her strong rounded shoulders and rested them there and she moved lower. I closed my eyes tight, leaning my head against the shower wall and prayed that this was not a dream but that if it was please let my cup runneth over before I wake again.

It wasn't a dream. After Joy scrubbed me front to back we rinsed. She held my head gently under the running water, forcing my head forward but only enough to rinse my hair. I stood like a dumbfounded oaf while she turned the water off and got a towel and began drying me. I watched as her torso and hips wiggled at different frequencies. It was mesmerizing. She then wrapped the towel around my shoulders, then dried herself but really seemed worried mostly about drying her hair. Then, naked she led me back to the apartment by the hand and straight to her bed to sit while she checked over my bandages again.

Friday 5:45PM

Her fingers had run completely around all my bandages gently making sure they were still taught and dry. Satisfied she then ran her fingers through my hair starting above each ear then down the back of my neck, her thumbs finally coming to rest under my jaw.

It was dim in her bedroom area, no lights on but the evening sunlight came through the glass cube kitchen window and gave the whole apartment a strange bluish green tint. In that light she kissed my forehead above the bandage, then each eye ever so gently, then the tip of my nose, then finally my lips. She breathed deeply, not quite pressing herself against me yet, but closing her eyes. She seemed to enjoy the kiss, lingering a moment sucking on my bottom lip then she climbed onto me and wrapped both her legs and arms around me pressing her warm breasts against my very average chest.

We kissed again, harder and longer, less breath and hesitation, more purpose. It was all her too. I was still coming around to the idea that it was going to happen, this time the alcohol barred the door of reason and doubt in my mind and I found no internal arguments to stop.

I put my arm around her waist and held her then put my other hand on her stomach. I had always wanted to touch her stomach, after seeing the navel ring anyway. With my touch she seemed to become more animated, her breathing became heavier and even erratic. It was then for the first time that she looked me in the eye and just stared. I was captivated, felt just like I did the moment I saw here in my rearview mirror that morning months before. She was with me, no cars, ex's, stars nor planets, no celestial mechanics. Her pupils were dilated so wide only the most beautiful, dimensional color of brown shown around their edges. I wanted to explore every inch of her tanned frame and proceeded to do just that. Joy was not easy lover though, not at all. Making love with her proved to be a sensual struggle for dominance, a position which she never relinquished for long. Her body covered me like a warm undulating blanket. She began and concluded on top and locked in a tight embrace only at the finish I was softly kissing her neck from side to side until she was relaxed, her body finally becoming limp enough to move and lay beside me. She rolled over and pressed her butt against me. Soon I was asleep.

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