oh my god no way...

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Ayo is that a book cover?

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Ayo is that a book cover?



Ok so for the past few months I've been planning a plot for a story and it's still in the works. I'm now planning the separate chapters in detail, so far I just started planning chapter 3 and I think once I do chapter 10 or above I'll start making the real book. But if your curious, this is basically what my plot process is!

MC: (main character/s)
SC: (side character/s)

Plot: (insert plot in half detail)

(○ = not done, ● = done)
Chapter 0: title ●
(Insert details on first chapter)

Chapter 1: title ●

Chapter 2: ○

And so on!

Would y'all like to take a guess on what it's about and who the (P#) are? :>

Ok but before you get excited (you probably aren't though) take this with grain of salt because it's a bit of a big plot and I don't usually finish stories-

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