ONE 7 theory time!

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Woah I actually have one! wait...


More like I actually have ONE! *knee slap*

Sorry sorry-

Anyways! Here's my theory!

I noticed Stone said something but I wasn't sure what it was, came back to rewatch it a few minutes later and checked the comments to see what they say about it.

A lot of them said the same thing or around the same thing so I'm starting to think it said something like...

"you don't understand what you know."


I also noticed another comment that also makes a lot of sense, so here's what they said!

"You have so much to learn."

Maybe it's even "You have so much to know."

Those three I believe! But it makes me think that whatever we already know, we were thinking about it in the wrong way. I mean... whenever they learned something beyond the show they gained those "after credit eyes" but you know who started out with them and gave them to Soda Bottle and Backpack?


And you know what Backpack's rock transformed into?


It's clearly obvious he knows more than what we do so it would make sense he'd say like like the two sentences above!

And I think Backpack did lose his after credit eyes because he knows he's going down and he just let all this beyond the show theories.. go.

Also Backpack and Scenty hugging is just- AKDJDHFHS their friendship is amazing qwq.

Gacha and Object Show mailboxTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon