I drew something in roblox

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You know free draw 2?

This took me almost a day to make

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This took me almost a day to make. Well, technically a few hours. The small character in the bottom is me and you can see my username in the art.
But if you can't here-

User: Polingsmart

Don't ask about the name, my dad made the account for me

Oh, and tag yourself! Or.. who are you in this photo? I'd say I'm Cheesy because I honestly couldn't decide between him and RCherries.

I guess you could say it was a DRAW between them! *knee slap*

No but seriously I hope you like it! And trust me it's a lot more detailed(ish) when you see it in-game.

I met a few people who also watched the show! And two of them even supported me when others would scribble on my drawing! :D

In fact one of the people I met are also in the discord! I freaked out after realizing it was them-

And here's some.. behind the scenes..

I started with Lightbulb, then Paintbrush and Fan

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I started with Lightbulb, then Paintbrush and Fan

I started with Lightbulb, then Paintbrush and Fan

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When Lightbulb sus-

I made the Bright Lights!

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I made the Bright Lights!

I made the cast + Cobs! And the in corner you could see one of the few people I was talking about, they even made Four! :>

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I made the cast + Cobs! And the in corner you could see one of the few people I was talking about, they even made Four! :>

I made the cast + Cobs! And the in corner you could see one of the few people I was talking about, they even made Four! :>

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But the girl in white (and also the purple hair girl) supported me and eventually the scribbler got kicked ;w;

I also rewatched all of season 2 again and I ALMOST cried.


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