my more detailed opinion on BFB 30

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After coming from school I instantly got my brother and we watched it on the tv. Now, a LOT happened and there's sooooo much to say about it!

At the beginning I was really REALLY confused. When I saw them at the old contesting grounds I had suspicions. And see the "final two" definitely made me more suspicious about it. But finally seeing what the crack was completely satisfied my curiosity from the last episode. Though, hearing what Four said made me a bit sad too.

Also Profiley thank you for giving X some company. And I did not know X could do that ground thing.

The last cake at stake scene was CRAZY!! I obviously knew Flower would win but really?! Her happy thought was not her winning, but Gelatin! And a few minutes later she gives him the BFB!!!! MY GIRL HAD SO MUCH DEVELOPMENT *SOBS*

Like think of it! In BFDI Flower was super rude and instantly eliminated. But her major development through the years made her so likeable and she really did deserve to win! Yet she gave BFB to Gelatin and let the announcer keep the BFDI, and shared her big ball of past prizes with Bubble and Ruby! I really appreciate that :')

But then Purple Face came and I didn't expect it, not too surprised but there was a reaction from me.

Then there was another split, to help X save Four and to help Flower get back the BFDI. Buuttttt we're gonna ignore the fact that everyone started fighting over the cursed archive.

Now that I think about it, Four running from everyone else to be alone kinda reminded me of my past self. I remember getting into fights with my family then running off to a room where I could be alone. Then I just started crying. But this ain't about me.

Then X talked about Four being such a big fan of BFDI and hearing his "scene from the episode" line killed me-

Oh, and Balloony, "choo choo" can be threatening if used correctly...





The bus scene where the other group (plus PF and speaker box) were hanging on the cliff was amazing. I love how almosr everyone eventually ditched the BFDI to safely get off the bus. But Flower, Purple Face, and Annoucer stayed. Then Flower convinced PF to get off by saying he was important to the story and eventually gave Announcer the BFDI so they can both get out the dangling bus. She really worked hard on improving herself and it clearly showed throughout this entire episode. I'm really proud for Flower.

Then the bus group found Profily back at the desert and helped them with something I'll get back to later.

Four bringing the group X was with to the moon really scared me. And seeing the short clip from TPOT made me feel a bit better. (Yes Two you are in fact green) The way Gelatin talked to Four surprised me. And the scene where he used the BFB Flower gave him to remind Four of all the great times BFB had made both me and my brother cry. Then Four came back to them and safely brought them back to the desert group who made him a welcome back party!

Seeing Announcer, Four, X, and Purple Face getting along made me so happy and I'm glad that all got resolved. Then Gelatin's ending summary made me so emotional. And Firey and Leafy searching for a new island made me even more emotional!

We got scenes from everyone getting along and GELATIN AND FLOWER MADE A SHOP TOGETHER SOGNWIGJEKF-

When Gelatin closed his comic book of his summary that he was reading to the others I just couldn't. Then he said it was inspired by Teardrop's comic and I freaked out even more. Then they noticed Teardrop was missing for a day and my brother theorized she evaporated and I freaked out even EVEN more.

Seeing Firey and Leafy talking to Flower one last time before leaving was really cool. And after they left, hearing Flower say this was a true win really hit me in the feels. It honestly makes me tear up typing this.

The end credits where we see Leafy trying to make the last word of BFB "hey" was really funny! And how X just popped out of nowhere and took their propeller was unexpected. I thought Leafy and Firey would say "hey" at the same time but out of nowhere TD would pop out of the water, suddenly saying "hey" with them too, scaring them and ending it there.

Though there's one thing I'm still wondering about...

WHERE DID TEARDROP GO?? They wouldn't mention her if it wasn't important right? And she wasn't anywhere after they noticed her gone! Did she go on her pirate adventure or something? Please don't tell me something bad happened to her-

But uh... is there anything I missed? Something you want my opinion on? Type it here and I'll let you know. BFB was an amazing season and although the middle got a bit boring the ending is something totally out of this world! No pun intended. Seriously, BFDI's ending was great, but this BFB's last episode might be my favorite one of the two. To the makers of BFB, take a good break! You really deserve it for working so hard on this and I can't wait to see the TPOT will be like!

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