Chapter 12: Guessing game

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Blaire's POV
The next day I woke up to see the galaxy outside the bay window.

I laid there in thought until I heard Klarion call out "What letter does it start with?" Remembering the challenge that I gave him I answered "B" he hummed before asking "Is it Beth?" I shook my head and said "No."




"Nope! Sorry you're out of guesses!" I said with a giggle making him pout. I giggled again and stood up and walked over to him before sitting on the bed next to him.

His devil horns had flattened and his hair was messy from sleep, his eyes held a dazed look, and his mouth went from a sulking pout to a dreamy smile at my approach. It was honestly kinda cute. I instinctively ran my fingers through his hair in attempt to tame it, I often did this for Damian and now it's a morning routine to always do this..... but Damian's not here.

I shook off the thought trying to ignore the fact that my favorite brother, and practically twin isn't here with me "So what do you want to do today?" I asked Klarion. He leaned into my touch and hummed before saying "I just wanna talk to you, and get to know you" this surprised me, technically speaking I was his hostage and he could've just as easily turned me into his slave, but instead he's treating me like a normal person....almost as if he cares and respects me.

I hummed before laying on my stomach next to him "What do you want to know?" I asked, he moved his arms up to cup the back of his head and looked at the ceiling "Everything" he said simply, "your favorite colors, favorite animals, favorite foods, and your least favorites. What kind of weather you like..." I chuckled and asked "You're asking me about the weather?" He glanced over at me and seemed flustered before saying "I.....guess I am" I smiled at his human-like embarrassment before answering his questions.

"I like purple, black, blue, teal, and metallic colors. Cats, pandas, foxes, and just about anything with four legs and fur. I love breakfast type foods especially French toast and crepes, and anything fast food from Chinese to Mexican to Italian are all on the table for me. Plus I'm always down to try new things. Strawberries are a personal favorite. I don't like pink, yellow, or orange and the only animals that I can't stand are bugs, specifically spiders. As for the weather.....anything cold, rainy, or cloudy is my preference."

Klarion nodded "Sounds like Gotham is your home then....." he said referring to the cloudy and rainy weather of the city where I primarily resided. I then decided to ask about him.

3rd POV
Days passed and the name game continued with meaningless conversation afterwards....

Day 2
"Is it feminine, masculine, or unisex?"








Day 3
"What's it's origins?"

"Scottish Gaelic origins."







Day 4
"Is it related to nature?"


"Bellamy? Or Belladonna? Wait! Does that count as two?"

"No to both, and I won't count it as two...THIS time"





Day 5
"Is it a witch, or warlock name?"


"Alright! Baba?"

"*laughs* No!"




"Sorry, that another no" Blaire giggles out.

"Aw! C'mon!"

Day 6
"Let's see....nature, unisex, Gaelic origin, and witchy..." Klarion hums out on the sixth day as Blaire eats a bowl of strawberries and whipped cream. Blaire occasionally shares a strawberry with Klarion as he's grown fond of the tiny, and juicy red fruit.

"Is it from a modern moving picture?"

"....a what?"

"The modern moving pictures! Like Crystal balls except flat!"

"Ohhh, you mean a tv! It got popular from a movie, yes"




"Nope! Last chance....or do you forfeit?" Blaire asks while smirking. Klarion gives them a playful glare and dramatically says "Never!" Before going quiet as he wracks his brain for an answer.

"Could it be....Blair?"

Blaire blinks startled and glumly says "Man...I was hoping to milk this a little while longer..." Klarion perks up and asks "It's Blair?" Blaire nods and adds "With an E at the end..." Klarion seems dazed as he murmurs the name under his breath "Blaire...." It was short and simple with an aged elegance to it. Fitting for the Witch Boy's soulmate. That's right, Blaire was Klarion's soulmate and they were worth waiting 2,000 years for.

Blaire was kind, patient, and tended to bounce between being up in the clouds or down to earth. Like Klarion, Blaire had an innocent childish aura and took pleasure in the little things that life had to offer. Blaire was perfect to Klarion, not even the 'flaws' that Blaire claimed to have detracted from the awe inspiring beauty that was Klarion's Blaire....

'If only they weren't in love with another..................' Klarion thought as he stared at his world who was teasingly putting small dollops of whipped cream on Teekl and Xenos's noses. Klarion shook his head and said "I've won, so give me my prize.....please?" Blaire looked up at Klarion in surprise at the word 'please' but they did as asked and removed their domino mask revealing their entire face to Klarion who only uttered the word "Beautiful....."


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