Chapter 03: Meeting the family

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Blaire's POV
After Alfred came and 'woke' me, I showered (in warm water for the first time in months) and got dressed.

I tried to dress nicely but Bella destroyed all my clothes, all I had was this cute crop top that showed my bruised stomach, so I threw a flannel on and buttoned it up halfway

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I tried to dress nicely but Bella destroyed all my clothes, all I had was this cute crop top that showed my bruised stomach, so I threw a flannel on and buttoned it up halfway. I brushed my hair and teeth and nervously followed Alfred, who had kindly waited for me, to the dining hall.

Upon arriving I heard multiple voices talking making me nibble on my lower lip anxiously. What if they didn't like me? What if I embarrassed myself?

"Yo Bruce! Why are we here?"

"You called a family meeting, Bruce?"

"Father, explain to me why you interrupted my morning training."

"This isn't going to involve my sleeping habits again is it? If so I'm going back to the cave."

"Just spit it out old man! Why are we here?!"

Alfred chose this moment to push open the doors making everyone turn to face me. I started anxiously fiddling with my flannel as they stared at me. "It's....a girl?" A blonde girl said making the brunette girl next to her scoff "Obviously, Cassie, it's a girl!" The red haired woman in a wheelchair near the head of the table next to Bruce quietly hissed out "Stephanie! Be nice to Cassie! And yes Cass we can see that it's a girl."

"Seriously Bruce? Another one?" A male in his late teens to early twenties said, he had a pretty streak of white hair in his raven locks "Unfortunately, I agree with Todd father. Haven't you taken in enough strays?" A raven haired male that was my age said as he stared at me in dismay, another male that looked only a year or two older than me hissed out "Guys! Seriously?! She's standing right there! She's just a kid!"

This made me wince as they all misgendered me, but I was too shy to say anything to correct them. Thankfully I didn't have to.

Dick abruptly stood up and said "They have a name and it's Blaire, also they're non-binary and here to stay, so get used to their pronouns" his voice silenced everyone in the room and drew attention away from me. Dick then walked over and gently reached out for my hand. He grasped my tiny hand in his and guided me over to the empty chair between him and the boy that was my age. Dick pulled out the chair for me and I sat down, across from me was the man with the white streak in his hair.

Both males stared at me as I sat down, more specifically, they stared at my bruised face. The man with the white streak seemed to have a look of sympathy and understanding as he scanned my abused face. The boy next to me however was glaring at me as he scanned my form up and down with a scrutinizing gaze. "Well? Aren't you all going to introduce yourselves?" Bruce asked with a raised eyebrow.

The redhead decided to take the lead and introduce everyone to me "Hi, honey, I'm Barbra" upon hearing the pet name I couldn't help but melt slightly in my chair "and this is Jason next to me" she gestured to the male with a white streak "you already seem to know Dick, but on your other side is Damian" the boy grunted and gave me a stiff nod of acknowledgment "Then next to Jason is Tim" the last male "next to Tim is Stephanie" the brunette "and next to Damian is Cassie" the blonde "and I assume that you already know Bruce and Alfred?"

The story of Blaire Noireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें