Chapter 15~

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-Mei's POV-

I am falling. My mouth opens in a shout for help.

My mother's attack startled me—to say the least—and I stumbled backwards, not knowing how close to the edge of the shore I was...

And now I'm falling.

I don't know how to swim! Maybe my Herrscher powers would help but they only really work when I'm not panicking...and I'm definitely panicking. Who wouldn't be, if they are falling to their doom into a river that is who-knows-how-deep?!

The impact of that hits me in a burst. I am going to drown. I'm going to drown and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

My vision suddenly goes purple and everything goes slow-motion, including my fall. Someone must have initiated a time fracture. Well, this is just great, I think bitterly. More time to think about my death.

As the rushing water comes closer, I find myself thinking about Kiana.

When she died—murdered—where had she gone? Wherever she went, I hope to go there too. Then I can with her. And be happy while I'm at it. Maybe dying won't be so bad after all.

That thought comforts me a little, at least.

But all my peaceful thoughts escape my head as the time fracture breaks, sending me tumbling faster than ever into the dark, raging river below. No! No! I take everything back! Dying would be bad!

I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable splash.

It never comes.

I feel someone's fingers wrapped around my own. For some reason, the warmth of their hand comforts me. I'm still alive. Whoever's hand this is, they've saved me. I let out a breath of relief and a whispered thank you.

And then I open my eyes.

Staring back at me is the terrified face of (Y/N).

-Your POV-

Your head is aching, everything feels like it's burning, pure agony is coursing through you. But at the sound of that familiar scream, you leave all that behind. Every sound falls away other than that one scream, Mei's scream, and you know you must save her.

And now, here you are. Your hand entwined with hers, your eyes meeting her purple ones, the same expression of terror on both of your faces.

"Hold on," you whisper. It's all you can say.

She lets out a hysterical laugh. "It's not like I have a choice, (Y/N)."

You lower your other hand so she can reach it, and she wastes no time in grabbing it. With a heave, you pull her up onto the bridge and she falls into your arms. You instinctively wrap your arms around her to soften the blow, and she instinctively hugs you back, and then you freeze.

You and Mei are hugging. Hugging. After all of this, after're hugging. Mei seems to realize this too, and she tenses, but by some miracle...she doesn't pull away.

Pulling her closer, you laugh softly. "Does...does this mean you've forgiven me?"

That's enough for her to let go of you and jump back. "No! Whatever that was doesn't mean I've forgiven you!" She looks away, and you can swear you see her expression soften. "But...look. I have to admit, I...I don't exactly despise you as much as before."

You just stare at her. Did she just say what I think she just said?

Mei turns to look at you again, her expression returning to being stone-cold. "We'll talk later. For now, I should go back and help...can't leave my friends fighting without me. It's my mom after all...Maybe you should stay here. You're injured."

Even when she hates me, she still cares. At that thought, you feel like you just want to break down and cry.

But no. You can't do that, not yet at least.

You have a job to do.

With some effort, you stand up. Your legs wobble, but you don't let that stop you. "No. I have to help, Mei. Plus, I've got the sword."

"What does the sword do?" she asks dubiously.

"'ll find out." You pause. "I'll tell you all about it, during our talk."

Mei just rolls her eyes. "Fine, then. See you."

-Mei's POV-

Oh god. Did I really just blurt that out? My actual feelings?! Did I actually say I didn't hate (Y/N) as much as before?!

I think I did. And as much as I hate to admit it, it's true.

But still. They murdered Kiana; the only person at one point of my life who had reached out to me and made me feel like I was needed. But even though the word 'murderer' keeps pounding through my head with every step, every time I think about them... I know that it's thanks to them I'm alive and not drowning.

As I run away, up the bridge, I bury my face in my hands. "Ugh, stupid, stupid, stupid..."

"What's stupid?"

I jump, startled, and turn around. It's Bronya, riding a glowing blue motorcycle. Some holographic motorcycles are behind her. "Oh, it's just you...Nothing's stupid. I'm just kind of...shook." At least that isn't a complete lie.

"I understand," Bronya says, nodding.

"'s the fight going?"

"It's going...fine."

Something in her voice tells me the fight is not, in fact, going fine. I tilt my head. "Tell me the truth, Bronya."

Bronya hesitates, then sighs. "Your mother is powerful. Even after all we have done, nothing has changed."

Of course. Why did I expect any different?

"Hey. I think I've got a plan." To no one's surprise, (Y/N) has walked behind us, golden sword in hand. Bronya flinches at the sound of their voice. She turns towards them, and it seems like she is about to attack them. (Y/N) sees this, and raises their arms in surrender. "Okay, yeah, I know you don't really have a reason to trust me, but I swear I have a plan to end this."

Bronya looks at me. I give her a small nod. She nods back, then looks back at (Y/N) with her signature monotone expression.

"Do you see my sword? This is our saving grace," (Y/N) continues.

"How so?" I mutter.

"...You'll see," they say.

I sigh. "Go ahead. Tell us the plan."

-Your POV-

"So basically, you two and everyone will keep Mei's mom distracted, and then I go in for the last blow," you finish.

Mei and Bronya don't look impressed at all. "That is quite vague," Bronya says.

"Do you have any better ideas?" you snap.

They both hesitate, "There's definitely way better ideas than that but I guess we could give it a try" Bronya says with a sigh.

"Good.". "You'll have to trust me on this. I know that might be kinda hard for you two right now but—"

"I'll trust you for now," says Mei softly.

Bronya looks at her incredulously, and so do you. She...trusts me? you think, wondering if you heard that right.

"A-anyway," Mei stutters, "we should probably go and do this...uh...plan." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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